Hey Don - First of all I want to tell you personally I think your book was the BEST of the many, many, many books I read revealing truth about WTS. And in my letter requesting DA'ing I advised the elders of at least 8 of the better books I had read leading to my decision but highlighting yours as the "most dangerous" from their point of view (knowing that would cause them to secretly read it - and apparently the PO has done so. giggle, giggle.)
But as one of those glorious "apostates" as they call it I was one very timid, cautious, and careful soul not to be caught guilty of leading anyone else out with me. I guess now my DA letter convicts me in that regard so I am no longer so innocent. And I also avoided posting or being on any of the ex-jw boards for a long time for the same reason - to avoid being guilty in anyway of collecting followers or drawing others out because of my own personal decisions. I was "trained well" by their methods as evidenced by this fear. Gradually I am coming free of it - takes awhile after nearly 40 years of indoctrination.
But their assumptions that the main reason for exits is to collect a personal following is so bogus and so in error. And I have to add my voice to yours that I am unable to think of a single case that fits that scenario and I must have examined several dozen firsthand already.
By the way a WELCOME is due your first post. So may I extend you a GREAT BIG WELCOME and hoping you will enrich our lives by many more. Salty