Hi Headspinning - The current world events are actually no laughing matter. But I might ask if you knew that prior to the release of the Red Revelation Climax book Abaddon was considered to be Satan and the locusts his demons - then overnight they switched their understanding 180 degrees around to say we are the demons (whoops - no the locusts) and Abaddon is actually representative of Jesus Christ. Research what the rest of the world's Bible scholars have to say about this portion of the Revelation Prophecy. It is quite an eye-opener and makes one wonder if the WTS is actually identifying itself incognito. (Harsh words I know but gets one to thinking!)
JoinedPosts by saltyoldlady
The Great Tribulation May Have Started
by headisspinning inmy ex husband who is a jw just sent me this:.
"the world is on the precipice of a major multifaceted crisis.
the great tribulation may have just started.. .
Perusing the free Watchtower i got yesterday
by AuntBee ini said i had no cash on me, i wasn't lying.. in the article (3-1-11) entitled what is god's kingdom, there is a paragraph about christendom's confusing explanation of what the kingdom of god is.
the last 'confusing' explanation listed says, "the kingdom of god is righteousness and peace and joy from the holy spirit" as quoted from the catholic catechism.
it sounded familiar, and i found it in romans 14:17, "for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
Priceless - absolutely priceless!!!!!!! Thank you Aunt Bee - This one is going into my Faovorites of All Times file to be pulled out often.
New 'light' or flip flop on wild beast/image of the wild beast
by Anony Mous insomething that i noticed a couple of weeks ago regarding the identity of the wild beast.
the do said that the wild beast is the 'the world's failed political systems that do not acknowledge jehovah's authority.
i always understood that it was the un.
Now your DO just wouldn't be judging and condemning would he? Maybe he tore Luke 6:37 out of his Bible. I'll work on releasing - needed something more to work on these days - since leaving the WTS I've gotten a little rusty there.
...Change your Clocks Tonight...
by OUTLAW indaylight savings time is here!...
the perfect excuse... to miss the ever boring,public talk... at your local kingdom hall... .
........................... ...outlaw.
I don't have to spring ahead cause I never fell back. Since leaving the WTS I no longer live by clocks. (One exception there - my current Bible Study class but I mentally adjust for that one. They think they are meeting at 9:15 AM but I know in the winter they meet at 10:15 AM - just that simple.) Everyone else is out of step but me type logic. LOL.
New Light. Is it new truth or simply new understanding on the underlying truth?
by garyneal ini went to the assembly for half a day today.
does truth change?".
"the truth does not change," she said, "but our understanding of it changes.".
Keep up the good work Gary - wish I could be as positive as the others here have been - she may indeed someday "get it" but also prepare yourself for the possibility that she never does and the great likelihood that she will start being very IRRITATED about your revelations of flawless logic - stay calm and smooth throughout - seeds of truth are only sown in peace (you probably realize that last thought taken from James 3:17 but we used to use it in supporting what we "thought" was truth.) Be patient with her - remember this organization builds great defenses around their adherents to prevent any deflection.
What Was Meant By 'Abstain From Blood'?
by headisspinning ini have always been very hardcore about my aversion to blood and have never even considered the possibility that this was merely a dietary restriction.
i always bought into the analogy of a doctor telling a patient to abstain from alcohol... it wouldn't matter whether this individual drank the alcohol or took it intravenously... it would all be in direct contradiction to the doctor's orders to 'abstain' from alcohol.. or the other analogy is to an apple pie... if you weren't to eat the pie, it would not be okay to separate it out into the main parts (or 'components)... ie.
the flour, the apples, the sugar or the cinnamon... if they were taken from that pie, you were eating the pie.. so maybe you can see where the questions popped up for me.
What one does is read the Bible for themselves (minus everyone else's interpretations) and then try to imitate Jesus Christ in all that you do.
When Sects are Cults
by Lunatic Faith ini know this is a long post and i'm sorry.
but this is a paper i wrote for my sociology final this term.
i was supposed to look at some aspect of my life sociologically.
Excellent material - just excellent. Thank you for sharing, Luna - shall not call you Lunatic because you have definitely proven yourself quite the opposite! And my heart feels so saddened for what you have experienced in your early life.
Another book I just recently finished reading on Mind Control was The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson and Jeff Van Vonderen. It confirms your points and adds a few more - is a much quicker and easier read than the old Lifton, and other classics in this field and would be my preference to recommend to someone first investigating the possibility of making a change - the subtitle is Recognizing & Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority within the church - and the points can be applied even to churches not technically classified as cults but as a manual to avert veering off in damaging directions.
Malawi Party Card, Scans and comment
by BluesBrother ini am indebted to marvin shilmer for the info, on his excellent site.. link .http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/03/malawi-savage-betrayal-by-watchtower.html.
i was so pleased to see the actual cards that caused all the trouble, after wanting to see it for so long, that i post it today.. first, the background in case anybody does not know the terrible events that happened.
in the late 1960's to early 1970's jehovah's witnesses were cruelly persecuted and subjected to the worst possible beatings, rape torture and death.
Thank you - Blues Brothers. I did the same as you when Marvin made that post - I enlarged the pic of the party card so I could read it and was so dumbfounded - your explanatory comments so excellent too - we can't excuse the inflammatory reactions of the government to the refusal to sign or pay the small tax which is what it actually amounted to but the whole fiasco could so simply have been avoided by the GB in New York whom I believe simply "triggered" upon the word "Party" card without doing sufficient investigation to see what it really amounted to
by PublishingCult incan you give an analogy of what it was like (for you personally) leaving the organization of jehovahs witnesses?.
for me, it was very much like the story of mountain climber aron ralston.
the canyon wall of the narrow passage was the watchtower bible & tract society.
Magnificent - if I knew how to post pictures here I'd use the one a brother once gave me of a hammer hitting the nail right on.
High Profile Case: Seeking Reinstatement
by headisspinning inbut our situation is very difficult and quite high profile.... i was raised as a jw and my mother was very strict and abusive.
i got baptized at age 14.. my mother actually called on my (present) husband's mom in service.
she was on the initial call resulting in his mom coming in the truth and him being raised in it from about age 8 or 9.. despite a very abusive step-father, he followed his mom's lead and came into the truth.
Hi Headspinning - I can well understand your ex's concern in view of the world news - just remember Jehovah will not let you be destroyed even though you are not in an approved condition with the WTS. You ARE in an approved condition with Him because of your repentence and love for Him.
I have recently signed up for an interesting news site called The Extinction Protocol:2012 and beyond - while I don't hold to the 2012 hooplah just because it is so popular and the scriptures show He will take action at a time mankind is not expecting, nevertheless this site is filled with scientific material - not religious commentary unless you specifically click on the Prophecies subtitle and there are a couple things in the archives that are truly fascinating - one I recomend is entitled Civilizations unraveling - Global Protests + Uprisings Maps in Time Lapse - have to scroll down a tiny bit to find it, but there is a short video that is so well done and the music background is exquisite too - fits the mood - makes one think Brother Russell had it all correct about the world going into a state of anarchy - just that he was 100 years off - 2014 instead of 1914 maybe. I think this actually was listed under Dark Ages: Has Modern civilization reached its zenith
and then another item that happened before the big quake in Japan was Planet Earth shaken, rocked and rattled and still trembling - shows all the areas around the globe with seismic trembling increasing and tectonic shifting occurring - magnetic energy becoming very low for the earth and scientific basis for very possible pole shifting - fascinating stuff.
A scripture that occurred to me while praying for you this morning was Col 2:20- If you have died to the flesh together with the Christ and have been set free from the ruling spirits of the world why do you, as if still belonging to the world, further subject yourselves t the decrees and commands of men...............Col 3:1- If however you were raised up with the Christ, go on seeking heavenly things where the Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Keep your minds on the things above, not on the things of the earth. For you died to the world and your life has been hidden with the Christ, in union with God. When Christ, in whom is our life is made manifest, then you will be made manifest together with him in glory.
Don't let any teachings and traditions of men persuade you to think these messages don't pertain to you - they do. And your safety rests in Him. And then I had another thought from the little book called Practising the Presence of God - by Brother Lawrence - an 16th century monk that is just marvelous and totally scripturally based - simple and direct - It is okay to pray for relief and deliverance from problems, as long as one remembers to include "if it be His will" and then search for understanding of His will. Love, Salty