Godrutz - I'm speaking as a Christian to make JW's think. I am out of the place for real and for good. But I'm also trying to evaluate all the scriptural points to check out my own views and be positive they are correct.
I did note that the judgment one would incur if they partake "unworthily" was defined in verse 32 - and it is not everlasting destruction or death or having committed the unforgivable sin like we used to feel if we took part at the WTS meetings. It actually says it is a matter of "discipline." And the discipline has a purpose - that we not be condemned with the world.
My thoughts on the body is that it means we must discern the body of Christ which to my way of thinking is the group of true Christians - my take on that may be a bit influenced by years of WTS training but I have not been able to view any church group as "that body" - least of all the WTS itself - but I do meet individuals that impress me as being brothers of Christ - the true body of Christ. So my experience tells me discerning the body is looking for the fruits Christ said would result from following him. And that where there are two or three of his disciples He is there with us - that that would be all that is required for discerning the body. Do I have that right?
And being worthy would simply mean scrutinizing oneself for genuine belief in the ransom sacrifice of Christ and it's value - that we don't just partake in a casual manner but that we do so with humility and sincere godly devotion and repentence where we need to do so. All that kind of stuff?
But the establishment of a "covenant" for rulership, being a judge, priest, etc. - like the WTS puts it - I can understand that being the case with the apostles at the Last Supper but I can not understand that being the case for everybody that believes and puts faith in Jesus Christ and desires that everlasting life he provides. That we should have a covenant relationship with him and be called his brothers seems right to me but "heirs to a kingdom?" That is heavy stuff. And if I don't picture myself "ruling" then am I partaking unworthily? I don't think I have this ironed out. I feel called of the Spirit or born of the Spirit but I don't perceive it in the way the WTS does. Am I in error here? The Bible does say we are heirs - heirs of everlasting life sounds good - positions of responsibility - hmm - that is another matter. That I might administer healing via his instructions - I can see myself doing that and would find joy in that. That I would be judging - that doesn't fit well but I suppose if he tells us what and how - any of us can do it - just not now.
Anyway if the 144,000 were literal and it is only that administrative group that partakes and the WTS says they are strictly "first fruits" then that group got filled way back in the first century for sure and no one would be qualified today, period. So does one have to see himself as of that group to be partaking worthily? And I even have some serious questions as to whether the 144,000 are a literal number since other parts of that same scripture are not interpreted literally by the WTS.
And then when I read the words at John 6:53-54 - Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in yourselves. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day..............makes it sound as though all true Christians who want to be in union with Christ and enjoy everlasting life would be partaking. Am I missing something here? The reasoning book indicates by passing the emblems they "figuratively" partake - maybe their resurrection is just "figurative" too? LOL Or has their updated version changed that? I've not seen the new one I heard has been issued.
I have to agree that I think pasing the emblems and refusing them surely resembles the Gnostic practice and could be grave error while at the same time we don't want to partake just because everyone else is doing so - it needs to be a sincere and serious deicision made upon much prayerful thought and communication with the Savior and contemplation of His Word. And it seems logical we need to dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ and His Father, Jehovah - never to an organization of men though. Suppose because WTS conceives of themselves as being the Body of Christ - the "only" true believers on Planet Earth - they think that dedication to the organization okay. But I could never bring myself to agree with that one myself besides the fact that they do not have "the truth" on ever so many items.