Here it is:
The PPsimmons video you sent to me uses exactly the same strategy to find scientific foreknowledge in Genesis.
Ppsimmons claims Genesis 1:1 describes the theory of relativity - but does Genesis actually say this? I don't think it does. Genesis simply says that 'in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth'. How exactly does this describe the theory of relativity and the relationship between space and time?
The PPsimmons video is reading meaning into the Bible that clearly isn't there (this is called; eisegisis - when one projects their own meaning onto the text). For a start, Genesis 1:1 says 'in the beginning, God created....'. It doesn't say God created the beginning (time), it presupposes the existence of time. Other than the word 'beginning' being mentioned in the same verse, there is absolutely no indication the author knew the relative relationship between space and time.
Further to this, PPsimons is interpreting an English translation of an ancient hebrew text. Does this translation fit historical context? No. Genesis 1:1 doesn't actually say 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth', as It is rendered in modern English translations. The word for 'beginning' used is not a noun intended to stand alone but rather to modify a verb, like 'create'. A better translation is found in Young's Literal: 'In the beginning of God’s preparing the heavens and the earth...'. Genesis 1:1 is describing the beginning of an act, not the creation of the universe itself.
The idea that God created matter and the fabric of space and time itself (a concept called creation ex nihilo) would have been utterly foreign to the Hebrews and revolutionary in ancient thought and philosophy. Other creation myths at the time involved God creating order out pre-existing chaos not creating the universe itself. If creation ex nhilo was the intended meaning then we would expect the Genesis account to very explicitly describe the concept (which would have been totally new to people at the time) and not just (maybe) vaguely imply it in language almost indistinguishable from other creation myths at the time.
Not only is the PPsimmons video engaging in eisegisis and ignoring historical context, just like Muslim apologists, it completely ignores the many scientific innacuracies found in Genesis such as; birds being created before land animals; marine life being created before terrestrial life; oceans being created before dry land; Earth being created before the sun and the stars; and cattle being created before humans (or after humans depending whether you are reading Genesis Chapter 1 or 2 which give different orders of creation). Genesis even describes the sky as a solid firmament upon which the sun and stars are fixed and above which sits an ocean in the sky. This is not even mentioning the fact that Genesis describes humans being created descretrely (when science has proven humans evolved from primates) and claims the entire world flooded 4,000 years ago.
Genesis is not scientifically accurate. It contains no scientific knowledge beyond what was generally known by the Hewbrews at the time and it reflect many of the mistaken assumptions and beliefs about the natural world that were prevelant at the time (such as the sky being a solid dome). Why would God vaguely refer to space time relativity in the opening verse of Genesis and then get all the other key details almost entirely wrong? It makes no sense