JoinedTopics Started by TheStumbler
Creationism emails from a JW
by TheStumbler inearlier this year, i received an email from a jw family member with a link to this video:.
i wrote a long reply debunking the video (mostly copying talkorigins info).
The frustration of talking to a person with a closed mind
by TheStumbler inokay, this is going to be a bit of a general rant.
i had a long conversation with a jw elder recently about shunning and evolution.
i became qunite frustrated with the conversation and admitted this at the time.
JWs: not creationists but believe in creation...
by TheStumbler ini've been having a bit of an email exchange with elder dad and i need some advice.
i thought i was getting through to him but i think my criticism and tone became a bit too strident in my last email and now he thinks that i am attacking him personally.
i think he has dismissed everything i said because he perceived me as 'overally critical, and rude.. .
I dropped TTATT to some door knockers today
by TheStumbler intwo jws came to my door today and i dropped a few truths bombs on them.
i thought i'd share my account of how the conversation went.. .
i was in the yard doing some weeding when two gentlemen walked through the gate.
Question for apostates!
by TheStumbler ini have a question.. the conventional wisdom seems to be that to 'convert' a jehovah's witness (or get them to see ttatt) you have to ask questions that they cannot answer and engage with their true personality not their 'cult personality'.. intellectual arguments tend to fall flat because jws (who do not already have personal doubts) believe they already know the absolute truth so anything contrary to that truth is nessecarily wrong.
any criticism of their beliefs will be seen as an attack or persecution and will be dismissed as flawed 'human thinking' or 'apostate lies'.. to 'true believers' any amount of contrary evidence and illogical inconsistencies in their beliefs can be dismissed or explained away.
their starting point is that they have special knowledge of absolute truth and all evidence and arguments are then weighed against this preconceived belief.. here is my question.
by TheStumbler ini have a question.. the conventional wisdom seems to be that to 'convert' a jehovah's witness (or get them to see ttatt) you have to ask questions that they cannot answer and engage with their true personality not their 'cult personality'.. intellectual arguments tend to fall flat because jws (who do not already have personal doubts) believe they already know the absolute truth so anything contrary to that truth is nessecarily wrong.
any criticism of their beliefs will be seen as an attack or persecution and will be dismissed as flawed 'human thinking' or 'apostate lies'.. to 'true believers' any amount of contrary evidence and illogical inconsistencies in their beliefs can be dismissed or explained away.
their starting point is that they have special knowledge of absolute truth and all evidence and arguments are then weighed against this preconceived belief.. here is my question.
JW drone posted typical JW response about Syria on my Facebook wall
by TheStumbler ini like to keep politics and religion off my facebook.
i have friends.
colleagues and relatives on there from all different backgrounds.
Question about Jesus and Armageddon
by TheStumbler ini have a question about armageddon.. my understanding is that the watchtower teaches that only jws will survive armageddon.
following the great trubulation and time of trouble, when the world's forces turn on true religion (jws), god will step in an kill everone (apart from his true followers).. .
i've been talking to a jw recently who seems to be suggesting that the casualties will be due to human warfare in the great tribulation so will be man's fault - not jehovah's.
1914 - It was the end of the world as we knew it - things got much better!
by TheStumbler ini was having a conversation with a jw relative recently i casually mentioned how much better the world is than a few centuries.
obviously the jw was incredulous.
the next day i found an email in my inbox listing a few qoutes from notable people saying how the world has gotten much worse since 1914 and that 1914 was a pivitol year.
by TheStumbler ini was just on the new site and i have to say, they've done a good job.
it looks pretty sleek and is easy to navigate.
the production values of their magazines (in particular the photos) seems to have improved since i last spent much time on the site.