You joined this forum in 2007??? Now that is a SLOW FADE!!!
Best to you and your family. Everything will work out in the end.
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[endif]i had a diner with the neighbors... they don't know i'm a jw cause i don't tell people anymore about it.
somehow, the topic of cults came up and one of my neighbors said that the jw require 10% of their income to go to the church.
You joined this forum in 2007??? Now that is a SLOW FADE!!!
Best to you and your family. Everything will work out in the end.
from the upcoming august km:.
beginning the week of october 28, 2013, the brochure who are doing jehovahs will today?
will be considered at the congregation bible study.
Both of those publications are old light, right? Why study old light?
i would love to be able to debate some of the issues on this site.. this is the first site i have debated on.. i would like to debate with credibility.. i think i debate on only what i feel secure about, and that is a good start.
but on this thread i would appreciate some tips on how to constrctively debate on a thread..
My advice is never get personal or nasty and insulting. Some posters on here have taken a lot of heat and some have been kicked out as a result of personal insults and profanity. When someone is losing a debate, they switch from stating the facts and start personally attacking their opponent. That's the sign they have lost and the debate is over.
i left the jws and went to a baptist church which was far better than anything i'd known before having been born into the dangerous cult of the watchtower corporation.. having travelled a path of spirituallity i have concluded that there is no god evident to me.
i have no idea...i just live my life knowing that when i die there is nothing after it.
25 years ago I was married to an Elder who was severely depressed and our marriage was awful. When we got married we thought Armageddon was coming in 1975. We would then be perfect so what difference did it make if we weren't "perfect" for each other. I prayed and cried, prayed and cried. No answer from Jehovah as to how to make my marriage bearable. It never dawned on me that the reason he didn't answer my prayers (which were in accordance with his will) was because he didn't exist.
Now I see how if he is up there and he lets these horrible tornados hit, these earthquakes come, these atrocities happen that he is a lousy heavenly father. I do not believe he is there. If man were made in God's image, and our human fathers would do anything to protect his children from danger and disaster, why wont God do it?
The vindication of God's name is a worthless concept. What father would put his children in such jeopardy for the sole purpose of teaching them a lesson and vindicating his right to be the supreme one?
I am an atheist now and know I understand how come I used to think that God worked in mysterious way. His ways are mysterious because he isn't really there. End of mystery.
i don't even know where to start.. more than anything, i'd like to say that i am not a woman of vengeance.
i am very much a forgiving person.
if you say "i'm sorry," and you're genuine, i can move on from it quickly and easily.
We have all been there, dear sister. We are all working through it. Everyone here is at different stages of recovery. Some are like you, hot mad and others don't give a you know what anymore and have totally moved on. If you do something too far, you will just reinforce their beliefs that those who leave the organisation are mentally diseased.
I encourage you not to do anything you may regret in the future. No revenge right now. Your best revenge is moving on and finding a happy life for yourself. Also, your children must be protected from this dangerous cult. If they get baptised they will have to shun you and the cycle will not be broken. As a mother you must protect your children from the Watchtower Societies lies. If they become victims of child molesters inside the organisation you may never be able to forgive yourself. Protect your children like a momma bear.
We love you, we care and we are happy to have you here.
i stopped going to meetings over a year ago!!!
it was the body of elders that led me to my disgust with the org.
You have gotten good advice already. Just wanted to say hi and welcome you.
awake july 2013 is a message that sam herd truly believes, it states :.
" proponents of social unrest would claim ( emphasis mine ) that protest have accomplished the following ".
" provide relief for the poor.
"Wait on the Kingdom" means "shut your mouth, stop complaining and go out and make us more converts."
with all the back-door politics, white-washing of elder mistakes, selective enforcement of rules etc.
aren't elders not much different than any other political position out there in the world (mayor, congressman, senator etc.)?
doesn't the same hold true as well for co, do, etc.?
I have repeatedly heard while I was still in about how this brother or that brother cannot be a Ministerial Servient or Elder because his field service hours or too low or his wife's field service hours are too low. The Bible says nothing about field service hours as being part of qualifying to be an MS or Elder. They go above and beyond what is written all the time. Rules can be broken if you are in a family that is in the who's who of JW world.
atheist blogger visits kingdom hall.. .
Great article and the comments at the bottom reflect that people now are catching on the the Watchtower Societies tactics.
so ever since they discontinues the food service at the assemblies and dcs, jws have been "lovingly encouraged" to pack a light lunch to eat.
the secretary at the hall that i am held hostage in said during the service meeting that even a sub would be too heavy to eat, and that a light salad was the best option.
what do you fine people think is the real reason why, in the absence of food service, jws are told to not leave the building at lunch?
You know it is indeed that people will get a breath of fresh air and freedom and wont want to face the crowded parking lot again, they would bolt and the afternoon session would be half empty. Only the "try hard/die hards" would remain.