Cannot wait to see your video. It will be a cleansing experience for you. Dump all the toxic false friends at the Kingdom Hall and live your life to the full.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
I'm somewhat back again
by Gojira_101 ini had to take a break from jwn here because after all the drama that unfolded over a certain new anti-wt organization i had to back off because i had unbearable emotions and "flashbacks" to being a jw and being bullied.
even though i didn't experience any direct bullying, seeing it happen caused all the negative emotions to come back because i felt like i was back at the kingdom hall.
so i just left for awhile.. i've been having to do a lot of soul searching lately and reevaluating my life.
Do You Suffer From: Bitchy Resting Face
by frankiespeakin in
That was a cute video.
Finally ready
by independenthinker inok so i havent posted on here in over a year, i think i posted like a few times, then disappeared.. has anyone else like just shut it out?
like i joined here as soon as i found out, then after a month or two i just didnt want to think about it; i had my final exams, elders creeping about, my mom got crazier, i was starting college, other kinda issues, which made me just blot everything i learnt about my religion out.
well he hurt me too, oh i would give all my blood to you.
Welcome back. Don't worry about your mom. If I understand you correctly you have two siblings who have already left? She suspects this is coming from you and she has already learned to deal with it. You may help her see the light about the "new light."
I just informed the parents about me and the TTATT... heart wrenching
by sosoconfused inwell first i want to thank everyone here for the good points etc... i have received over the last few months.
you guys have really been helpful!.
so the other day my mother wrote me a 3 page letter telling me how she was so scared for me because she could tell my love for the truth was gone etc.. so i decided i wanted to totally rip the band-aid off and get this matter over and done with.
Love your dad, he has regrets and is man enough to admit it. I do think he has an idea that there are problems with this religion. Report back after the fishing trip, please.
Newbie: Well I've been lurking enough and thought I should say hello.
by Adventurousone ini really like this site and some of the comments i've read.
i was in the organization for 31 years and now i'm free!.
recently left the organization and am trying to rebuild my life.
Please tell us what your hubby did to help. Many here are trying to get loved ones out and are interested in what worked in your case. Details please, without giving away your identity, of course.
Welcome, newly awakened ones are always welcome!
I just informed the parents about me and the TTATT... heart wrenching
by sosoconfused inwell first i want to thank everyone here for the good points etc... i have received over the last few months.
you guys have really been helpful!.
so the other day my mother wrote me a 3 page letter telling me how she was so scared for me because she could tell my love for the truth was gone etc.. so i decided i wanted to totally rip the band-aid off and get this matter over and done with.
Your dad sounds cool...your mom is your mom and she will love you even if she does decide she needs to shun you. Hopefully, your dad will talk to her.
Glad it's all out in the open. Keep us posted...promise?
Should I just DA or get DFD?
by Julia Orwell inmy never-a-jw dad told me today that mongrel jws who turn on me were never truly my friends and i'm better off without them, so why worry if i get disfellowshiped?.
i fear being disfellowshiped because my name will be dragged through the mud.
i also think it might be a good idea to da or get dfd because then the link is broken and the fade is over.
I would just tell them all to get out of your life. They do not deserve an explanation from you. They do not deserve anymore of your time and attention. There love and friendship is all conditional on you obeying the governing bodiy. Do not give them the respect of a reply and refuse to discuss anything further with them. What you do is absolutely none of their briskness.
My Story - a (kinda) newbie from the UK
by wizzstick inafter lurking for 7 and half years (is that a record?!
) its time for me to say hello.. so who am i, and whats my story?.
im a born in jw, with all my siblings, mother, wife and children in.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
Unbelievable Experience in Yearbook
by gingerbread ina number of years back i heard a story of a young girl in a congregation ( i have some good friends in this hall ) who had an amazing field service experience.
it was so amazing that it was retold in the 2007 yearbook!.
it is retold in the highlight of the past year section.
I heard that story at the district assembly. It did seem rather far fetched at the time but I believed it. I wondered how come I couldn't have a wonderful experience like that. It made me feel inadequate, of course. Try harder, try harder, that is the purpose of telling that story from the platform.
So apparently I'm now a Secular Humanist
by Oubliette ini was doing some research on the subject of beliefs and belief systems when i came across an on-line survey/test that supposedly helps you determine which religion or philosophy is most like your current beliefs.
if you're curious, you can take the quiz here: belief system selector quizafter answering the 20 questions the results were spit out!
I am a secular humanist also. Jehovah's Witnesses 0%, that shows how far I have come.