JoinedPosts by whathappened
The Chinese Have Asked The USA Bethelites For Help With Their Computers And The Brothers Helped Them Out And Then Asked For A Favor!
by minimus inthey society wanted these people in china to put a good word for them to legalize the work in the communist land.
the officials said, they just couldn't get the officials to do that but would put a good word for them anyway.. the sh*t these people dream up!.
Outlaw provided my first laugh of the day...thanks.
Help me...!
by OneDayillBeFree inlost my job, just a week before making the final arrangements to move into my very own apartment.. got a speeding ticket on the following sunday for trying to make it to the meeting "on time", (never made it to the hall, just parked in the back of a shopping center for 2 hours in silence).. marked by the elders for quitting pioneering, no more commenting and "failing to adhere to bible counsel".. jw family sees me as a disappointment.
non-jw family is too far away to care.. found out ex-girlfriend got df'ed and is now pregnant.
puts some of the blame on me for how things turned out.. realizing that she's not entirely wrong as i was still an ignorant, kiss-ass, die hard jwdub when we started dating, always putting the "kingdom interests first" never having time for her since "the end was so freaking close" and then warping her up in the mess of me learning ttatt.. dwelling night after night in "what could have been" if i had never been a jw.. alternating between being a theist, atheist and agnostic on a daily basis to the point where i don't care anymore yet getting creeped the f*ck out when facing my own mortality and the thought of me dying alone.. always coming to the same conclusion, when i find myself alone on friday nights and weekends, that i have no actual friends, only two conditional jw "friends" which are both currently out of town for about a month and 0 real, non-jw friends.. haven't been able to sleep well in literally weeks now.
Focus on the number one thingthou need fix do to fix your life. First is probably a new job. Focus, focus, focus and you will get there.
Something Is Screwy With WT's New Bible!
by JW GoneBad innot sure if this has already been brought up.. it appears that the verses in matthew 21:29 and matthew 21:30 have been transposed from one translation to the other.. the 'old' nwt in vs 29 & 30 states:.
'in answer this one said, "i will sir, but did not go out"'.
verse 30 reads: 'approaching the second, he said the same.
This information is nice to know. Very interesting!
Happy Friday the 13th!
by wearewatchingyouman inanybody have any plans to chase black cats under ladders while breaking mirrors and spilling salt?.
It was a good day for boss is superstitious and took the whole day off!
New here
by Brainfloss inwell,i have been lurking here for a couple of years.
i was babtized at 16 for all of the wrong reasons and when i moved out after highschool i really never looked back, although i suppose i always thought it was the truth.
at 36 i met the love of my life.
Welcome, Brainfloss. It is always nice to learn of new people who have escaped the organisation.
by ADJUSTMENTS init seems in most congregations there is always the same personality types of brothers and sisters in each congregation.
self righteous ones.
holier than thou, exemplary, with dc/ca parts every year family.
Oh, I forgot about the couple that has a screaming kid who is constantly disrupting the meetings and is taken to the back for a good spanking.
by ADJUSTMENTS init seems in most congregations there is always the same personality types of brothers and sisters in each congregation.
self righteous ones.
holier than thou, exemplary, with dc/ca parts every year family.
There are the socialites who are always having parties and only inviting "the beautiful people."
Also there is a fashion monitor that goes around telling other sisters that their neckline is too low, hemline too high,telling the young brothers their hair is too long, they need to shave, etc.
24 hour field service marathon ??
by gingerbread infield service for up to twenty-four hours non-stop.... it's a bit of a fad in our area with pioneers - the twenty somethings especially.
we've heard from other family members and a jw friend that it's a thing in their part of the country as well.. it sounds like a group decides on a day and then piles into a van or suv to 'work' the territory - 12, 18 and even 24 hours.. anyone else hearing of this?.
The young ones in our area would load up in a van and head down the interstate, stoping at truck stops and gas stations. The would turn around after twelve hours and work the other side of the interstate. Everyone in the van counted 24 hours. It was mostly for easy time and socializing.
I have a Grandson!
by watson inmy first grandson, and he is beautiful.
i remember so clearly thinking i would never graduate from high school in this "system of things".. .
this boy will play soccer/football/basketball/band/baseball/camp, whatever the h, e, double l, he is passionate about.. .
Congrats! Grandkids are so much fun...I love mine.