There have been articles in the Watchtower and Awake explaining why Jehovahs Witnesses are NOT a cult. BUT if they were NOT a cult, they wouldn't HAVE to have these articles.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
Could this be the Atom Bomb when it comes to waking up Someone? Could it Work?
by BU2B incould this be the home run swing when it comes to waking up a spouse?
could it work?
yesterday i was checking out this website
Strange things happening...
by DS211 insome strange things are happening.. 1. wife started smoking.
2. wife agreed that the whole "clean up after armageddon while growing to perfection" thing is all speculation.. 3. as i was going to the meeting tonight (i had a part and kids are sick so she stayed in) she says "do you have to go?"..
4. when i got home she says " i wanna go out and party..... hmmmmmm.
Sounds like she has one foot out!
Dying to Believe
by Watchtower-Free injust saw this and thought i would pass it along .
its about a young jw who died.
because of jw blood policy.
This is so sad what happened to this family. The Watchtower has to be brought down, brick by brick, piece by piece.
Goodbye and Thank You Jw Net (Last Post)
by Brother Mike ini would like to thank everyone for the discussions that we've all had.
after all of them i have realized, all of you have made me realized that after all of the stuff i have been through, i just need a good friend.
and regardless of how hostile our discussion could get i have felt that you have all shared something with me that have helped me.
We welcome all back here. This is a forum and not the Kingdom Hall, which does not like open discussion and forbids questions regarding their doctrine.
Why is JW Net so hostile? Is it just me?
by Brother Mike inwhy can't i say something without someone immature trying to be a smart ass or trying to fight everything i say and use it against me?
comments welcome.
I have found more loving and caring people on JWN than I ever found in all my fifty plus years at the Kingdom Hall. At the KH the love is conditional on following all the many, many rules set out from the pages of the Watchtower.
Why do so many think JW Religion is a Cult? (NO APOSTATES PLEASE)
by Brother Mike inmy question is, why do so many think the watchtower bible tract society is a cult?
Brother Mike, dear, you are on a web site that is not approved by the Watchtower Society. If you tell your elders and fellow congregation members you were here you will be called into the libraryright after the meeting!
Missed another meeting
by DS211 inwell ive missed my 5th meeting in a row..decided to watch football/soccer instead.
wife has also missed 4 in a row...still havent discussed ttatt
Feels great to miss the meetings, doesn't it?
I am now inactive!
by Laika inthe last report i gave in was for the month of may, meaning as of today, i have missed 6 months of reports, and am officially inactive!
(though the last time i actually went out was march, gave fake reports for april and may).
feels like a milestone.
It will be three years for me. At first, I felt like I should go back and rework all the territory and apologize to those who I called on as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I helped them spread lies for over fifty years.That is, of course, impractical. Now, I just make it a practice to inform as many people as I canabout the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses.
Glad you are free and loving it. So am I!
Disfellowshipping - Why the Governing Body can not ease up on dissenters.
by mindnumbed in
What a great clip and application to the GB!
The elders came by and my DA letter
by Crazyguy inthe lead elder co of my hall said he was going to push for a jc meeting.
i could tell all along all hes interested in is protecting his god the org.. so i'm 90% sure now of going on the offesive and first having a family meeting telling them i'm offically quitting and how its going to play out and how i'll will be shunned even though i have commited no sin.
i also may explain a little of why and how i came to this decision with out bashing the org to much out of respect for my wife.
Your letter and sentiments meet with my approval, even though personally, I would never give a judicial committee the honor and dignity of my time and attention. They have no authority over me and cannot require me to do anything.