To save a great deal of time, just go to After reading there you will not be able to defend the Bible or its God any longer.
Just saying...
Besto wishes to you in your journey for the truth.
1- pray to god (whomever you may imagine him to be) asking for understanding.
2- study the background about the bible (from non-religious sources) to see where it came from.
3- discard (or at least set aside) chuyrch claims and dogma.. 4- read it, looking up archaeological/historical sources about the places and peoples referred to.
To save a great deal of time, just go to After reading there you will not be able to defend the Bible or its God any longer.
Just saying...
Besto wishes to you in your journey for the truth.
while i'm glad i found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything i've believed in my whole life.
i feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life.
this has left a huge hole in my soul.
I felt the same way since leaving almost four years ago, up until recently. Now I feel ok about it. Once I accepted that the Bible is not and could not be Gods word, my search lead me to atheism. Find a cause you believe in and get involved. For me it is educating others about the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses and politics.
sitting here reading about 1 corinthians 10:9 and how the wt uses "jehovah" instead of "christ" in the nwt.
looking in the interlinear and it says "xbc".
anyone know what that means?.
56 views and no answer...guess no one knows. Any good guesses?
just wondering if they still go door-to-door?
i never see groups of people walking around the neighborhoods all dressed up or out in fastfood restaurants on saturday mornings or groups of people driving around in cars.
My still in daughter goes out all the time. She doesn't like to, but she goes.
yep !
this is the kind of excitement that goes on in my area :).
Poor cow. She must have been terrified!
beth sarimfrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
coordinates: 324616.36n 1170556.70w.
historybible student movementleadership disputesplinter groupsdoctrinal developmentunfulfilled predictionsdemographicsby countrybeliefspracticessalvationeschatologythe 144,000faithful and discreet slavehymnsgod's nameblooddisciplineliteraturethe watchtowerawake!new world translationlist of publicationsbibliographyteaching programskingdom hallgilead schoolpeoplewatch tower presidentsw.
This is public record and there is no way they can deny this. We have an old conventionpamphlet which shows a photo of it. This is also briefly mentioned in the Proclaimer's book.
i just found out that a good friend of mine has past,after a long sickness.
she had the strength and the moral fibre to call herself a servant of the most high.
don,t look into your own inflictions for it is a path well traveled lited with broken life's but look at the good that you can do right now.
She no doubt was a wonderful lady. Sorry to hear you have lost a dear one.
obviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
Oh, yes, Mille...the weight gain...all I did was sit on the couch and stare blindly into the television screen. I gained a lot of weight. I was on several different medications, but not all at the same time.
My husband was on just about every different medication out there. Do not drink alcohol on anti depressants. Myhusband ended up shooting himself in the stomach with a shotgun and dying 3 days later. I would say it was unsuccessful treatment for someone who went to the doctor every month.
the us kingdom ministry shows the collective total 2014 memorial attendances of the countries that now comprise the us territory in 2014: 2,610,810.. those countries are: the usa, bermuda, jamaica, turks and caicos and puerto rico.. the same collective total for those same countries three years ago - 2011 - was 2,666,592.. that's a decrease of 55,782 from 2011 to 2014. i am happified.. while there has been the occasional year in which memorial attendances from one year to the next have shown decrease, this is a first: decline evident over a three-year period.. comments please!.
anyone have the know how on how to provide the link for the kingdom ministry download?
Very good news. Hope the rest of the world is doing as poorly for the organisation.
obviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
I took them after the death of my newborn baby and they left me feeling like a zomblie. I had no highs. Just didn't really care about anything.
Many of my family and friends take medication for both bi polar and depression and they are still suffering. They don't work for long and don't do a lot of good. Many anti depressants also interfere with sexual function, if that is important to you.
I find that a healty lifestyle helps with mild to moderate depression. Take Omega 3's and get enough Vitamin D. Those two supplements help me tremendously as I still suffer from mild depression at times. Get out, have fun and excersize. Surround yourself with positive people who make you happy. Most importantly, see what can be done to fix your marriage.