While I'm glad I found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything I've believed in my whole life. I feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life. This has left a huge hole in my soul. Just what do I believe in now? Is there a god? I feel like I need god in my life, I just don't know where to find him anymore??? Help??
just what am I supposed to believe now??
by purrpurr 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Purrpurr, I know it's hard but the magic and wonder is still there, you will find it again. What makes you happy? Try and just chill for a while and don't worry about what it is all about. Looking after yourself, filling your needs will make you emotionally stronger and you will be more able to cope. Really I promise :) It's just the opposite of what we were taught, find out what makes you happy and look after yourself first. Then you will be able to find a new direction and start reading and exploring ideas. As for certainty, that has gone for good I'm afraid, but you will learn to love not having all the answers and trying to answer questions instead. Take care
Hi purr.. believe in your own worth. You have a life, you can impart good, loving and caring for your loved ones and fellow man without the NEED for an invisible being .
Wishing you a happy life.
Witness My Fury
Try making the decision to lead an evidence based life, going where the evidence leads.
Learn about critical thinking skills and logical fallacies (and apply it) so you develop a robust bullshit detector, this will save you from falling for BS so easily like we did when we were uber dub bible thumpers.
Julia Orwell
PurrPurr, it is tempting when leaving the jw religion to instantly want to fill the void with another belief system or cause. Everything we did as jws was for the short term because Armageddon was "around the corner". So what I can advise you is this: give yourself time. Time is something jws don't have but you do. Don't rush off to believe in something or sweat it that you don't yet know what to believe. No one is going to tell you what to believe like when you were in jws. Whatever you end up believing should come after a lot of experience and personal reflection. Take whatever time you need. It will come to you.
Just because you no longer attend the kh or a church does not mean you cannot have God in your life.
Crazy feeling right? I am in a similar position. But I have come to the conclusion that if I can not find God by myself without all the artificial crutches and ridiculous false trappings that a religion heaps on top of you then maybe he's just not findable at all.
I am only interested in the real God. Not the thing created by men that they call and define as God.
You may like the IDEA of god if you need it but certainly not the reality of god (unless anyone can prove differently).
Best wishes
purrpurr, your post really spoke to me.
I am in a similar place as you and dis-member. Merely taking care of myself is not going to satisfy me long term because I am a very big picture person.
Just volunteering isnt going to cut it either (at least long term) because I have been volunteering for years and most of that is a "feel good" hit and as temporary and corrupt in its power structure as JWs or other organized groups.
I am trying to break it down in to 2 questions at the moment.
1) is there a God whose creative touch I see around me?
2) Does he have a people, or are they scattered around the earth and not organized in any form of group?
The second question is the one I am focused on right now.
Jehovahs Witnesses cause too much pain to people and there is an abundance of evidence that they are NOT spirit lead.
That much I have found to be true.
So back to you purrpurr, the fact that you can feel (and are aware of) the state of magic and wonder, the fact that they exist at all, means you can believe in them with confidence.
If magic and wonder were non existent, you wouldnt be able to concieve of their presence.
As for the certainty of what you thought you knew, better things will replace the more elementary beliefs you formerly had. Perhaps that is part of the magic?
Wishing you and all of us, a peaceful place to arrive at.
There is enough wonder and magic in reality (no plagiarism intended) without the need for myths and superstition.