I heard a good one today: "A mind is like a parchute. It only works when open."
I heard a good one today: "A mind is like a parchute. It only works when open."
Ummm...If Jehoover is jealous, how can we expect his followers to be any different?
it's only been a month or so sense i fully awoke to the fact that my whole family for 3 generations has been fully entrenched in a cult.
i went threw terrible drug addiction like withdraws, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts etc etc etc.
for about a week i could barely sleep and then another all i wanted to do is sleep.
You might want to speak with your doctor about all the family issues. He/she might be able to recommend someone to help you walk through all the stuff you are dealing with.
Just KNOW you will get through all of this and you will be okay. No, BETTER than okay. You will be well and FREE!!!
Sending positive vibes!
Not a Christian Apologist, either. I figure this is really great! I saw Dark Matter post a great video about the Book of Job, too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVgZqnsytJI
Love it, great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
Can hardly wait to see this article.
the above mark twain quote made me think about some of the comments i heard this weekend during the watchtower study.
several commentors alluded to the seeming ignorance of "wordly" people as regards bible knowledge.
comments such as "people who go to churches don't know the bible like we do, so they may go to church and afterwards say that was a very good sermon.
Yup, I too have seen the jar of rocks illustration---years ago, as I have not attended since 2000.
I have noticed that the elders mostly have rocks in their heads. No room for much else, sadly.
have any of you seen the recent movie, the shunning?
it was written by beverly lewis and directed by michael landon, jr. .
here's the storyline: .
Wow, a really good movie.
Strange how the daughter had to do the apologizing for her love of music, her refusal to marry the bishop, and her refusal to apologize.
What about the parents' lies all those years about her adoption? They deceived their entire community with their lie. They are still in "good standing."
Just my 2 cents.
jehovah's witnesses and the rh factor.
written by marlene mercado wednesday, 31 january 1996; revised 2012. .
i want to share with our readers an experience i had when two jehovah's witness elders came to my home to enlighten me regarding the new "technology" that allows for the taking of certain blood fractions with a clean conscience.
I had the shot and had two healthy babies. I didn't know about the potential "illegality" of the shot (if I'm understanding this issue correctly).
apologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
Here is a reason I left the JWs after being born and raised into it:
my dad recently found out i wasn't coming to meetings and going out in field service.
he found an excuse to get me alone in his car and just lit into me about it.
he said that if i'm not going out in service that i'm not one of jehovah's witnesses and the brothers won't be able to trust me when the time comes to go undercover due to being attacked by the authorities.
Big Brother is watching. Everybody squeals on everybody else. Where is the honor?
Sorry to hear you are going through this, but it seems your father has gone into fear.