Who would have guessed...it's Canada. PM Harper is buying up fighter jets...
if i understood correctly, one of the ideas advanced as proof of jehovah's witnesses beliefs is that of the kings of the north and the south.
i didn't understand much of it, to a large extent because i think it's nonsense, but something else i did find curious.. the king of the north was the soviet union, and the king of the south were the united states.
i am not sure the soviet union is "north" of the united states in any sense (think of alaska), but, that aside, what kind of theological distress resulted when the king of the north crumbled to pieces?
Who would have guessed...it's Canada. PM Harper is buying up fighter jets...
wednesday's daily text was a masterpiece.
each sentence just added another layer of sexual guilt and repression.
i could go off for at least another 500 words but i'll stop.. .
Just finished reading CoCo's yearning words of passion:
Oh, help me Gawd, I'm burning!
when read in context karl marx was not directly attacking religion when he wrote those famous words.. .
religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress.
religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation.
I watched a movie once called "The Life of Brian" where a group of people thought that someone was the Messiah and began to follow in a mesmerized fashion...like they were on drugs. Religion is like a drug when people stop using their free will and instead listen to every word of their leader, no matter how stupid.
They become "sheeple" when they give up their capacity to think on their own and, instead, just want to follow blindly.
a year or two after leaving the borg.
i was on shaky ground.. any major catastrophe in the world that took place, i thought.
today i can not think of one single event.
*scratches head*
Can't think of anything.
Jehovah is a "dark" entity who promotes and feeds on FEAR
I'll never go back because, simply put, they are a cult.
here i am - born in truth, hard-core spiritual everything all my life, early reg.pioneer, ms, elder, assembly parts, tour at bethel, etc, married now...... i'm trying to examine jw teachings a little closer...... i've spent the last two weeks reading many many posts, info , references on where ex-jw's are coming from.
i'm kind of concerned about a few things lately..... honestly - some points make sense to me - some don't - here are my general thoughts:.
-wt getting un membership for access to library - doesnt bother me - some passports and other governement documents have similar forms and requirements..... -blood issue - some counterpoints to the jw 'rules' makes sense (original intent of scripture is unbled animals, white blood cells similar in mothers milk) etc -however a lot of 'apostate' reasonings and proof are inaccurate.
Religion is the only institution where no emotional growth takes place ... the 18th Century cruel practice of shunning being one example. To me, shunning seems like the WT is scared of losing its followers by finding out what "Apostates TM " are feeling or saying. So, just put a label on them and put them in the "Apostate TM " box and tuck them neatly out of your way. Doesn't the WT have enough faith in its members and in its doctrines to TRUST that the followers will not be swayed by someone else's thinking? Perhaps the WT does not quite believe all their own propaganda themselves, so how can they trust the flock to have that kind of unwavering faith and trust? They can't.
The JWs have a fear-based belief system ... the ever-coming Armageddon being an example.
Yes, statistics say numeric growth has happened, but numbers can lie. Numbers aside, doctrinally, the JWs do all kinds of backstrokes to cover up their false prophecies. Yes, FALSE PROPHECIES. If a prophet speaks and it does not happen, the prophet is FALSE. The dates and new dates and MORE NEW DATES prove to me that the JWs are false prophets. The Bible confirms.
God's chosen people? NOT!
so we lost our religion and its time for us to decide which religion to switch, i was sincere so i wanted to do his will as i was taught.... so many here still believe in god and christianity.
so my question for you is.
what makes you think that christianity is the true religion?
Why do I need a religion? I look at the world religions and I can see that they are the institutions where virtually no growth has taken place. Some religions still perform beheadings, female sexual mutilation and the cruel practice of shunning.
I called myself "spiritual" when I was a jw. Interestingly, I found some old journals and read what I considered "spiritual" and had to laugh. Does this count as "spiritual"?
- going in service?
- going to meetings?
- shun someone?
- study the Youth book with brainwash my kids?
I figure I do not need any religion because I am "spiritual." And I no longer go in service, attend meetings, shun anyone, or brainwash my kids.
I figure if there is a god, she would be just fine with"spiritual" non-religious people.
here i am - born in truth, hard-core spiritual everything all my life, early reg.pioneer, ms, elder, assembly parts, tour at bethel, etc, married now...... i'm trying to examine jw teachings a little closer...... i've spent the last two weeks reading many many posts, info , references on where ex-jw's are coming from.
i'm kind of concerned about a few things lately..... honestly - some points make sense to me - some don't - here are my general thoughts:.
-wt getting un membership for access to library - doesnt bother me - some passports and other governement documents have similar forms and requirements..... -blood issue - some counterpoints to the jw 'rules' makes sense (original intent of scripture is unbled animals, white blood cells similar in mothers milk) etc -however a lot of 'apostate' reasonings and proof are inaccurate.
Fear is the opposite of love, yet the JW religion is full of fear-based teachings. Fear God, fear the devil, fear demons, fear "apostates," fear disfellowshipped ones, fear Armageddon, fear of not doing enough, fear of having doubts, fear of having a contrary opinion, fear of having a "wrong" feeling, fear of the "world," fear of therapy, fear of acknowledging to the media that JWs shun their close family members...
Yet the Bible says, "Perfect love throws fear outside."
True spirituality would not be filled with fear-based teachings.
don't tell my girlfriend.
secretly, i've had feelings for a person she doesn't know about.
we've been seeing each other for the past 3 months, and so far, he's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
You dated a guy for three months?... and next month you are getting married? That's awful fast, isn't it?
And you just told your gf?
You co-dependent or something?
Slow down, man!
here i am - born in truth, hard-core spiritual everything all my life, early reg.pioneer, ms, elder, assembly parts, tour at bethel, etc, married now...... i'm trying to examine jw teachings a little closer...... i've spent the last two weeks reading many many posts, info , references on where ex-jw's are coming from.
i'm kind of concerned about a few things lately..... honestly - some points make sense to me - some don't - here are my general thoughts:.
-wt getting un membership for access to library - doesnt bother me - some passports and other governement documents have similar forms and requirements..... -blood issue - some counterpoints to the jw 'rules' makes sense (original intent of scripture is unbled animals, white blood cells similar in mothers milk) etc -however a lot of 'apostate' reasonings and proof are inaccurate.
Members on this forum take potshots at the JWs because we can... now.
While in the organization, we were mute...stifled...suppressed...constricted...restricted...voiceless...compliant...sheeple I see by your comments, in your role as elder, you would still like to tell us how we "should" live...by jw standards...shut our mouths, stay mute...stifled...suppressed...constricted...restricted...voiceless...compliant...sheeple
Now, we are on this forum among like-minded people where the healing process is enabled. We are free to speak our minds and express what is in our hearts. On this forum we are validated and allowed to grow and heal. We can be ourselves, not some jw robot.
I no longer listen to elders because Ihave left the jws --- and I have left for valid reasons. I don't have to explain to you why I left. Suffice to say, the reasons were valid. I wanted to grow and find out who I really was aside from my muteness.
If there is a "potshot" tone to us, look in the mirror, because I see it in you, too.
well, i have talked to a few people and no one knows of any kingdom halls that have no or little windows.
does anyone here have an address or picture of one they have seen?.
i tried doing a search but it looks like the only one commenting on them are ex jw's... any info anyone?.
Windows got smashed/vandalized often at KHs---you know---the old persecution complex. I used to attend a windowless KH.