I would like to know if the 20-20 show was posted on the internet...?
I would sure love to get my hands on a copy of that video.
referred to on this thread:.
i wonder how many jws are watching this show and see the many similarities to the watchtower..
I would like to know if the 20-20 show was posted on the internet...?
I would sure love to get my hands on a copy of that video.
referred to on this thread:.
i wonder how many jws are watching this show and see the many similarities to the watchtower..
Another related article:
Apr 7, 2011 - 10:40:33 AM Elizabeth Vargas' Yearlong Investigation into the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church Airs Friday, April 8
Try to imagine the pain and humiliation of a teenage girl, just 15 years old, who says she was forced to stand in front of a New Hampshire church congregation and confess her "sin" of being pregnant. She says that, not only was she forced to confess her pregnancy, but also to ask for their forgiveness - with no mention of the man she says sexually abused her. After all, she says, the pastor told her it's better than being stoned to death, as the bible describes.
That is what Tina Anderson alleged happened to her at her ultra conservative Independent Fundamental Baptist -- or IFB -- church. The IFB has thousands of congregations across the country, but many people had never heard of it... That was, until another woman, Jocelyn Zichterman, began a public campaign, armed with nothing but a computer and memories of her own alleged abuse, which she says church beliefs can foster.
And survivors are now coming out of the woodwork to say she's not alone. Elizabeth Vargas' yearlong exclusive investigation into a religious sub-culture that critics claim can foster - even cover up - physical and sexual abuse airs on "20/20," Friday, April 8 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.
Critics say the church teaches a strict interpretation of the bible, including the practice known as breaking the will of the child, with some advocating that it even be applied to infants as young as two weeks old.
"I had a decision to make that either I was going to kind of curl up in the corner and be quiet or I was going to stand up for my family and tell the truth," says Jocelyn Zichterman.
Pastor Chuck Phelps, the former pastor at Tina Anderson's New Hampshire church, denies Tina was disciplined by the church or that there was any attempt to cover up a crime. He declined repeated interview requests but provided a statement: "Tina was involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with Mr. Ernie Willis... Tina lied to her mother and to me about this relationship." He also said he brought the allegations to the attention of police who failed to investigate further. Ernie Willis, Tina Anderson's alleged attacker, has pleaded not guilty to sexual assault.
Brian Fuller, the current pastor at Tina's former IFB church, says all IFB churches operate independently and that his church has nothing to hide. He opened his doors to "20/20" cameras, was critical of how Tina's case was handled and denounced any abusive disciplinary practices, adding: "The Bible says that I'm supposed to love my children, I'm never supposed to ever do anything out of anger or manipulation. And that's what our people are taught here."
"20/20" is anchored by Elizabeth Vargas and Chris Cuomo. David Sloan is executive producer. Source: http://realitytvwebsite.com/RealityTVNews/A-Religious-Sub-Culture-That-Many-Americans-Have-Never-Heard-Of-Yet-Which-Has-Thousands-Of-Churches-Across-The-Country-Churches-That-Critics-Claim-Can-Foster-Physical-And-Sexual-Abuse-On-ABC-NEWS-20-20.html Sounds eerily similar to the JWs. I wonder if Elizabeth Vargas would investigate the JWs..??? satinka
i am trying to prove or disprove a statement that i read today.
i read a statement by someone that i trust that the wtbts purposely distorts the number of anointed left alive in their reports.. i used to be a jehovah's witness.
i know all of their teachings very well.
lifeisgood wrote:
I remember reading statements like "Jehovah's spirit is active inside an anointed person". Things like that. But, if that were true, wouldn't the anointed be leading the 'work'? Not just the governing body, but all the anointed?
I wondered the same thing in the past. But now I know that the WT is corrupt, it explains why the anointed are left disempowered and discredited.
the following is only my own personal analysis.. take it or leave it.
but, by all means jump in and have a say.. .
i think more and more we are losing our grasp on a wonderful venue at jw-net.. as a discussion board, i mean.. at one time, there were a great many wonderful and interesting discussions by a variety of persons with varied backgrounds having a good.
Hi Terry,
1.Do you see a Thread Topic and read ALL of the posts before you comment? Or, do you jump to the end and have your say?
I like to read all the posts first, usually, then reply to what seems relevant to me.
2.Do you consider what the actual Topic started off being rather than where it may have derailed?
I consider the actual topic. I notice that sometimes threads get derailed. But I think I respond generally to the actual topic, rather than otherwise.
3. Do you ask and answer questions factually, with references, quotations? Or, is yours exclusively an emotional response?
Sometimes I will give a comment with references. But other times, I figure the comment is self-explanatory and does not require a back-up. Still other times I like to state something that is outside of the JW box. I am working hard to change my belief system. I would not survive if I did not change my thinking and beliefs. The JWs have set us up to fail if we continued to believe what they taught. It’s part of the brainwash. I have lots of deep feelings about religious cults, since the JWs have severed my family ties and destroyed our family... You bet I can be emotional.
4.Do you care if there is a fundamental difference between an opinion and a fact?
Perhaps not. Opinions count, too…not just “facts” besides, what is “Truth” anyway? By whose definition?
Generally short and concise. Occasionally, I will quote a news article and drop the entire piece along with the link into a thread.
6.Are you pithy (like Minimus) and to the point?
Sometimes, but I can’t set Minimus as my standard. He is a star. I’m just humble satinka. Most people don't even respond to my threads.
7.If you had to characterize your own contributions to JW-net in one word or two at the most; what would it be?
I’m a true Apostate! And proud of it…
And I like the emoticons!
i wanted my jw friend's perspective on something, so i asked them this question:.
if i read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes the wt's view of the same passage, in your mind who has the truth about that passage (i.e.
who is correct)?
Ah, I see the problem...
The whole email was this: I want you to help me understand your view about something.
JWs have are not allowed their own view on anything. They are only allowed to think and speak the WT view. It leads your friend to think you have doubts and questions. They are probably consulting with the elders to see if you are an Apostate.
speaking of the supernatural... if you do not already fully understand the beginning and development of the freemasons you might want to watch this 2005 series of videos (each about 10 minutes or less):.
i realize many of you already know that pastor russell who birthed the jws was a freemason.
so i thought you may find this of interest.. satinka.
Speaking of the supernatural... If you do not already fully understand the beginning and development of the FREEMASONS you might want to watch this 2005 series of videos (each about 10 minutes or less):
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQH9lJxcIhc&feature=related
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBMo8Bf805s&feature=related
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky7alZ68ZvE&NR=1
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnMdiNctzIs&feature=related
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MODm2XkEnJg&feature=related
Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUfyqLAh1B8&feature=related
I realize many of you already know that Pastor Russell who birthed the JWs was a FREEMASON. So I thought you may find this of interest.
i am sick and tired of people putting down posters like the andersons!
they work hard to expose some things we might never have known about.
why some find fault with them, or ray franz before them, or maximus when he was here is beyond me.. be thankful for those that decide to come here and share what they know about this organization.. we get elders who are still in their positions and they share with us a lot of interesting news and perspectives.
Thank you Barbara Anderson for your announcements. It gives me hope that justice will prevail and the JW child molesters will be dealt with by law instead of by a "loving" judicial committee who cares more about the perpetrators than the victims. But, I suppose it's the perps who have the cash.
Personally, I'd like to see the JWs closed down. They are a dangerous cult who destroy families in the name of god.
Thanks again for being here!
andersonsinfo is reporting the following news about the "criminal charges and indictment of the watch tower society in australia" by taking some extracts from different parts of jehovah's witness, steven unthank's blog site, http://www.jwnews.net.
please go to the blog to understand the "indictment" and for detailed reading there is much more information found in a:.
pdf version of the 664 page document "the submission 2011" being the:.
Barbara Anderson posted (in part):
The Working with Children (WWC) Check involves:
-a national police records check
Broadly, the criminal offences of most significance for a WWC Check are:
-serious sexual offences
I see what the problem might be. The JWs have been secretive about sex offenders in their congregations. If background checks were carried out, much stuff would be shaken out from under the carpet. This would not bid well for the JWs.
Listener wrote:
As I live in Australia I have seen this law being taken very seriously. A problem that we have here is that the Government sets a law and expects everyone to toe the line, pretty much on a self compliance basis. It does not have the resources to police many of the laws that it sets and it is not until people start jumping up and down that they take further action. It is very costly and due to this they usually hope for the majority to comply and if one or two organisations/groups don't they are pretty proud that they have caught most people into abiding.
I suppose the JWs are counting that no one will check them out to see if they are actually compliant. They will pray and figure Jehovah will protect the child molesters. And he just might. After all, Jehovah is a child abuser himself. I have been told he had his son killed, after all. That sounds abusive to me.
so i was just browsing the june 15, 2011 (study edition) watchtower and came across this seemingly desperate article in the last two pages (29 & 30):.
a christian has a scriptural obligation to care for his family, and that includes providing for their material needs.
(1 tim.
So, what exactly has "spiritual value"? and in what order of priority?
the us embassy over ran, 12 kill in retaliation for the burning.
of the qur'an by that nut job here in the us.. a few questions, first of all the qur'an that was burn, was.
it the original copy, no.
Muslims believe in honor. If anyone disagrees with them, they seem to think they must preserve their honor at all costs. Usually, it ends in death of one side or the other. They take the view that if someone burns their holy book, it is a personal attack on them and they must preserve their Muslim honor.
The Baptist Minister thinks he is right to burn the Koran, after all “The Muslims are the Apostates and will burn in hell!” Conversely, the Muslims think they have the only right view, “The Christians are the Infidels and deserve to die!” With each religious group convinced they have the exclusive channel to “Truth” there can be no cultural growth.
Muslims and Baptists are not the only religions on the planet who have this mentality. As an ex-member, I know Jehovah’s Witnesses think similarly, too. Their philosophy is, “Anyone who is not a Jehovah’s Witness is going to die at Armageddon!” That’s why they go door-knocking — to gain converts and “save souls.” My childhood friend Vicky was Catholic and she declared openly, “You are going to burn in hell if you don’t go to my church!” Different words, same mentality.
I believe religions enable a “Dark-Ages” type of thinking and behavior.