JW propaganda dictates that we need a messiah. I'm not buyin'
you might well ask that question, do we need a messiah?
yes, it would be logical to wonder whether a messiah would have any real effect on you.. .
some whose opinion you may respect would assure you that the answer is clear and unequivocal: you definitely do need a messiah, just as much as everyone else does.. .
JW propaganda dictates that we need a messiah. I'm not buyin'
let's start at the old desert island, shall we?.
a group of survivors (just like the tv show!
) are marooned on an island with no way off.they are all sorts of people with various strengths and weaknesses.. the strongest among them do the hardest work.
Give and take...Isn't that what "community" is all about? Caring for self and each other to the best of each one's ability?
Give and take, picking up the slack where one is able?
With love and without judgment?
I know I'm an idealist.
So what do you propose to do with the "non-performers," Terry?
so...i've noticed there are so many topics that don't have to do with jw-related things, like recent ones where someone complained about this very thing, not realizing that his own thread is, by existence, just a complaint with nothing relevant to any of our lives as jws..
Seems like lately there are some people who are on this forum to gather followers/start a church or some such thing.
Religious agenda --- and like that.
It never used to be like that.
But I see some good healing going on, too. For the most part, people gather here feeling it is a safe place to vent and to heal.
andersonsinfo is reporting the following news about the "criminal charges and indictment of the watch tower society in australia" by taking some extracts from different parts of jehovah's witness, steven unthank's blog site, http://www.jwnews.net.
please go to the blog to understand the "indictment" and for detailed reading there is much more information found in a:.
pdf version of the 664 page document "the submission 2011" being the:.
The JWs are a religion of FEAR. The JW elders have likely been instructed from on high not to cooperate with this law. The "ole boys club" does not want to know --- and they don't want the public to know --- exactly how many pedophile elders the society is harboring in the JW ranks.
Just my two CDN cents.
i ask the question because all of a sudden i am getting bombarded by my mother and other family members to "take my wife's hand and run back to jehovah before it is too late"!!
i am getting e-mail with screen shots of the un website (http://www.un.org/en/peace) stating "peace and security", being told that this could likely be the last memorial celebrated and that the door to the ark will be closing soon.
has anyone else been seeing an up-tick in these "prodigal son" appeals from jw friends and family?
satinka --- thanks for links and didn't realize it was "the most widely read magazine in the world,"
I didn't say the WT is the most widely read magazine. The JW commercial feature says it is! Then the JWs take it as gospel. What the JWs don't know is that the feature was a bought-and-paid-for article. There is a big difference between "most widely read" and "most widely distributed." There is a big difference between truth and a paid-for commercial.
i wanted my jw friend's perspective on something, so i asked them this question:.
if i read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes the wt's view of the same passage, in your mind who has the truth about that passage (i.e.
who is correct)?
I figure all beliefs, even secular ones, are valid. People don't have to operate on theological beliefs. We get to choose. Theologies all seem to fit into a box anyway. That doesn't feel healthy. People need to be free so as not to fit themselves into a box. People need to be self-directed --- as opposed to being TOLD what to believe (like the jws do). That was one of the first things I discovered after exiting the jws ---the need for my SELF-DIRECTION! Unfortunately, the jws still try to control me even after leaving. They are holding my kids as hostage (in the form of shunning). A very cruel process which feels like emotional blackmail.
He-he-he!!! Love it!
Only problem remaining is how to fill that contribution box.
on april 19 at 9 pm edt, pbs frontline will air the silence: frontline investigates church sex abuse in alaska.
through candid interviews with survivors, this frontline report focuses on the abuse by a number of men who worked for the catholic church along alaska's far west coast in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
all told, they would leave behind a trail of hundreds of claims of abuse, making this one of the hardest hit regions in the country.
Another church that has failed the children.
hi, i'm not new here, been lurking forever, just a new poster.
i was a jw for 25 years, did it all,been out now for 7 years, for the most part have healed pretty good.....but some things can't seem to shake.
the thing i'm most regretful of is raising my children in that cult, if i could just re-do that, i think i could be totally over the trauma of the 25 years i was in.
Welcome to the forum and I'm glad to know you made it out with your *whole/doughnuthole* family!
Fortunately for you, the WT was unable to destroy your family.
Some of us are not so fortunate.
a group of business people put their money together and start a casket design business.
they come up with a business scheme that they think will yield the greatest revenue.
they decide to design and manufactor three caskets:.
Typical marketing strategy.