No matter what I feel about my childhood, no matter what I feel about the JW religion. We all have the right to choose at some point. Yes it isn't pretty. If you are a born in like I was you stand losing everyone and everything you have ever known.
However, as others have pointed out, the banning of a religion...the suppression of beliefs and the freedom to worship is just not right. What if only the Catholic religion, Russian Orthodox, born again Christians, or Atheists were deemed the only way to believe - the only thought process one could legally have?
Does the JW cause damage? - no doubt! Does it damage families and indoctrinate the vulnerable? Again, no doubt. But most belief systems in some aspect have these characteristics. If you ask any devout believer of any religion they will say theirs is the only true religion. This also is their right.
As many here I have suffered irreparable damage from my 32 years as a JW - being homeschooled from a very early age and as such a lack of education, socialization, and just normal childhood experiences. Being fraught with guilt and shame over illnesses and insecurities. Sacrificing my early adult years to pioneering instead of advancing a career or pursuing education. Losing every friend and family member I had ever known when I chose to leave at 32 and basically being like a foreigner planted in a foreign land with nothing. And that is just the damage fit to post in a public forum.
But despite all, I cannot justify the banning of a religion or belief system. It does nothing but fortify those still in and it creates a scary precedent.