Welcome back Blondie.
I remember an Awake(tm), I think, calling tech problems 'information anxiety'. Bless their cotton whiskey bottles.
yes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
Welcome back Blondie.
I remember an Awake(tm), I think, calling tech problems 'information anxiety'. Bless their cotton whiskey bottles.
so last night my bible study group was discussing the healing of the blind man in john's gospel.
ch 9 .
the man's parents were reluctant to say much on the subject.
We have to remember the JW's are not a real religion. They are just a business concern and if you don't do the job as the bosses (Governing Body(TM)), say, you'll get the boot.
blondie, it's so nice to hear from you after a two year break.
i didn't notice your return 10 days ago.
i'm so excited to read all your new posts.. i hope life has treated you well over the last two years.. i think about you every now and then and others do as well.
Good to seizure here again.
There is a Kebab place in a village called Eye near me. Their Chicken and Kofta mixed kebeb in pita with their own chili sauce is the best I've ever had.
they're really friendly blokes an'all.
watchtower 1974 p.167 "by disobediently over indulging in food and making a glutton of himself he shows no love for jehovah..in the presents of others does he ignore their needs and selfishly take more then his fair share?
is he grossly overweight gorging himself?
does he feel uncomfortable even getting sick...this person has no place in the congregation of god...they will not inherit gods kingdom.".
The Warwick Wazzocks say lots.
They have no credibility.
It's one rule for them and another for you....unless they can get money from you.
TOMO the turd appears to be a drunken sot. I bet he won't get ousted if he is a lush.
It's not what you know, it's who you know......and other such cliches.
i may have put this in the wrong thread.
if so, i'm sorry.. my conundrum is this.... i am almost completely certain that an awake back in the 80's/90's mentioned a group of rock bands we shouldn't listen to and i seem to remember them actually naming guns and roses.. i can't find anything now, and i'm wondering if it's the mandela effect, or if it's another case of the cdrom versions of the awakes being doctored again.. does anyone else remember this?
or am i crazy?
The publications(tm) say lots. They really are joykillers and mood hoovers.
When did they ever say anything positive about anyone or thing that wasn't the paedo protectors in Warwick, America?
They are all doom and gloom merchants...and it's designed that way to keep the sheeple as thick as pig sheisse and in fear.
has the gb been hijacked by tony morris?
hes the host many times on jw videos.
saying gb members wanting him too host.
Probably TOMO the turd is the biggest bully on the board. Is he a drunken brawler?
The rest of the paedophile protectors are probably frightened of a drunken old sot.
golden age aug 25th 1926 p.751 "negative gravitation...you may have wondered how accidents will be avoided in christ's kingdom, since we are told nothing will hurt or destroy.
scientist tell us there is enough atomic energy in one finger nail to propell a battleship.
the people of the future may carry some of this power with them.
If they fall down an elevator shaft they can let themselves down easy
If they can already fly (with power in their fingernail), why do they need lift shafts?
Perhaps they are actually in Bizarro world.
Another bunch of deluded victims
yesterdays wt study (wt january 2022) stressed the issue, to set aside time to deepen the relationship to god.. in order to strengthen one`s faith, it was encouraged to ask god anytime for basically anything.
and each time god answers your prayers the faith grows.. now, each one of us has wishes, desires, hopes.
some naturally will fail, some will come true.