ozzie - @RolRod Well, you’re still here too!
Exactly. I think 'projection' is the term I'd use.
I have no intention of justifying my position either, so don't bother asking.
i am plan to partake of the emblem for the first time.
i have informed my elders of my heavenly call during the time they met with me for my reinstatement last year on june, 2022. i informed my congo secretary also.
who else is intending to partake.
ozzie - @RolRod Well, you’re still here too!
Exactly. I think 'projection' is the term I'd use.
I have no intention of justifying my position either, so don't bother asking.
i am plan to partake of the emblem for the first time.
i have informed my elders of my heavenly call during the time they met with me for my reinstatement last year on june, 2022. i informed my congo secretary also.
who else is intending to partake.
Bola - Do you still believe the JW stuff?
If not, why not just walk away and be done with it all. Start a new life free from them while you can...no mattter the reasons. Or will it ruin your life?
I did. I will never go back unless it's for ££££millions, even then I won't believe their scam garbage fake religion.
if you have been keeping up with the news, many cities are seeing an uptick in covid cases.
mask mandates are being implemented in many cities.. many pimos are relating that their pimi parents and grandparents are scared to go back and are having a hard time following the elder's exhortation to attend the memorial, because it might be the last.. a lot of pimi's are saying; that it doesn't make logical sense for large groups of people to meet in a crowded building passing and touching emblems and wine glasses while covid is still around and vaccines have not prevented the death of many who still got the virus.
the elders keep reminding the sheeple that "we must obey,even if it doesn't make sense.".
The Rona has caused an obsession with the sheeple that have allowed the fear mongers to control them with panic about what is now just a bad cold.
Who cares, as long as meetings are missed, all is good.
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
I read the first few bits of Combatting Cult Mind Control and I was done.
Una pLmo blanca?
watchtower 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower publications now show jesus with short hair and no beard?
because he is shown that way in older representations of him that are older then the traditional effeminate looking pictures.".
watchtower 1968 p.286 "bible evidence and a recent review shows that jesus did have a beard..." charles russell style of beard was popular at bethel...till rutherford took over.
Pathetic, small minded leaders bullying the R&F(TM).
Well, who cares as long as TOMO the turd can get drunk tonight.
a lot of pimos are reporting that returning to the meetings is backfiring in that covid is spreading among the members returning.. post;.
so last saturday was my first meeting back in person and well it completely backfired.
last night i got a text from my group overseer saying that someone in the hall tested positive for covid and that we need to get tested(great 🎉).. honestly i kinda expected this.
Sounds more like the sheeple don't want to go back to Meetings(tm). It's better at home without having to associate with judgemental bullies and mental cases. The Dunning Kruger gatherings.
Covid has now become an ott obsession and an excuse.
Hurrah for no meetings(tm).
i may have put this in the wrong thread.
if so, i'm sorry.. my conundrum is this.... i am almost completely certain that an awake back in the 80's/90's mentioned a group of rock bands we shouldn't listen to and i seem to remember them actually naming guns and roses.. i can't find anything now, and i'm wondering if it's the mandela effect, or if it's another case of the cdrom versions of the awakes being doctored again.. does anyone else remember this?
or am i crazy?
smiddy - I remember getting him to destroy the record
Well, I'm sure he can get it on mp3 now, but I get your point.
I think that I was a crap Dad as a JW. I kick myself daily.
yes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
Welcome back Blondie.
I remember an Awake(tm), I think, calling tech problems 'information anxiety'. Bless their cotton whiskey bottles.
so last night my bible study group was discussing the healing of the blind man in john's gospel.
ch 9 .
the man's parents were reluctant to say much on the subject.
We have to remember the JW's are not a real religion. They are just a business concern and if you don't do the job as the bosses (Governing Body(TM)), say, you'll get the boot.