The leaders of the WTBT$ have always enjoyed bullying.
No surprises there.
As some have mentioned, let us hope it will make many leave and not give their time, money or good to this paedophile's paradise corrupt organisation.
the new head-of-the-house max has a problem with how his new stepdaughter (olivia) looks and dresses.. on the friday afternoon part 2 convention video @ 18:10 max 1st brings it up with olivia while in the kitchen!
then fast forward to 26:50 thru 27:65 max bellyaches to new wife (olivia's mother) & it's handled!
message to all rank & file more fashion torn jeans & beach sandles: :) :) :).
The leaders of the WTBT$ have always enjoyed bullying.
No surprises there.
As some have mentioned, let us hope it will make many leave and not give their time, money or good to this paedophile's paradise corrupt organisation.
this is one of the many charts on my jw lib analytics.. i have also attached the top 500 scriptures from 1950-2022.
I wish they'd just shut their cake holes completely.
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
It's making money and fame for grifters like the Thunbergs. Politicians can bring in 'green taxes' and other crap to drain us of funds and freedom.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
Of course. A bonkers cult has bonkers ideas.
straight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
Not my enemies. One of the best bands I ever saw live more than once...apart from Rammstein who are darned awesome live....
I really have no interest in the politics of America. Goodness knows, I find it hard enough to give 2 shiny shytes about the UK's political farces. why would I? It's all a farce and a joke. I won't be caught in this tribal diversion from living my life. Politics is not reality, it's a smokescreen of deceit for the politicians to get power, wealth and fame. Nothing more. It's contemptuous to the Nth degree.
I disregard them all.
(Edited a million times because of my awful spelling mistooooks)
with all the bethel leaks.
i started to think about the levels of pimos with in bethel as apposed to the rank and file.
would there be higher rates of pimos bethel due to seeing the more unsavoury side of it.
joe - evels of PIMOS
We may never know. Life and the thought process are not black and white. There are shades and nuances in all cultures and walks of life. Bethel or not, there are hangers on and leavers. The unsure. The 'will keep holding on no matter what, brigade'.
I suppose what I'm saying in a nutshell is, 'dunno.'
the expression "jehovah god" has always seemed strange to me.
even when i was a jw, i found the term awkward, and never used it myself.
both words are nouns intended to be synonyms of each other, unless the name "jehovah" is being used as an adjective, which is also weird.
jayhawk Silly people, God is Jehovah's last name.
I thought his name was Harold. As in, 'Harold be thy name.'
saluting the flag was something not encountered very often here in the 1970s uk, in fact that kind of nationalism or patriotism was something i'd been warned about as a young boy, being brought up in the jehovah's witnesses from age 4, through meetings and the publications.
at some point, i don't know when, i decided it was more american, whether rightly or wrongly.. but even so, there was a large black and white photo of our entire school in panoramic format right outside my classroom on the wall saluting the flag, and i think this was the 1977 25 year jubilee of queen elizabeth ii.. now as a young person attending a fairly religious school in the 1970's, you were used to "making a stand" for things, letter in hand first day in a new class, and being ushered into one room or another to avoid religious assemblies and other xmas, and other seasonal celebrations.. one day the teachers, in their abundant wisdom, stood myself and a younger witness in the corridor right outside the assembly hall where the children would filter past.
every second or third child that filtered past would ask, "why are you standing there?
I am not really interested in all this pomp and ceremony.
I am not a Monarchist nor Republican.
It's all just tribal nonsense to me.
The Jobots instilled in me a sense that all authority is shite.
as a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Atlantis - QFR - The Bible is very clear in showing that blood should not be eaten.
Such loaded language those scum suckers use.
Let's be fair. If you ask the WBT$ anything except, 'can I give you money and goods?' or 'should we protect and hide child abusers?'. Their answer is usually, 'No!'