LUHE - Greta and other people from the Thunberg Tendency believe in their own Armageddon (end of the world due to pollution), and salvation (if only people would listen to what they say and agree with them on everything, the world will be saved).
I never thought of it like that. I will in future though. I would add, they love their accolades and MONEY cult stylee!! Like Tonus said
I think we have a strong subconscious desire to belong in groups
As for...
piously lecturing me that all human beings have human rights,
There are those that give up any permitted rights by their inhuman actions. I'd shoot the buggers. (As George Carlin noted, we don't have rights, just a set of privileges that the Government can remove at any time.)
Another bunch of retards that I'd kick in the scrotes are - the NHS bosses.
All those Sheeple Seals clapping on Thursdays for them. Then the top dogs at NHS waste all that money on 'diversity and inclusion officers'. I mean, the NHS. Already one of the most diverse and inclusive institutions in the UK.