All Jobots should wear masks if it stops them talking.
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Breaking news. Masks
by road to nowhere inupdated.
october 1 no more strongly encouraged.
just regular now?.
Hello from the UK
by KIMSILVIO ini am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
Humpy - Old people
We know stuff.
Stan - I'm told Vectis isn't a crap hole yet.
Longy - The 70's in the UK had it's problems but nothing like now. We have been 'culturally enriched' with more illegal immigrants arriving each day from Albania (which isn't war torn), bringing new types of crime. The UK Government turn a blind eye and couldn't care less. They remind me of WBT$ leaders because they live in luxury and are feathering their own nests at the expense of the working class.
There might have been one policeman standing outside but that was it.
UK police are now a useless disgrace. They dress up in rainbow flags, take the knee to BLM, paint their cars in rainbow colours, dance the Macarena and do the bare minimum to tackle real crime.
Hello from the UK
by KIMSILVIO ini am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
Vandy. My daughter lives in Canada and I visit from time to time. Ontario. Love the place.
I am still based in Cambridgeshire here in the hell-hole UK.
This country really has gone down the toilet in the last few years. It really has!
I'm not sure what my fellow Englanders think.
Hello from the UK
by KIMSILVIO ini am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
Hi Kim.
I hope you enjoy the tour of our hell-hole of a broken country. There are some spectacular places and grotty run down cities.
Don't get robbed or stabbed in Birmingham or Derby.
Replacing God?
by punkofnice inwe seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
Smiles - too interconnected.
It worries me what people are connecting to.
Especially these young kids with their TikTok and social media. It seems that places like these...not forgetting Twitter...are where mental people now have a platform to talk rubbish.
The problem is, idiots in big Business and our scum politicians, actually take these lunatics seriously. Whereas, they should be put in a padded cell, put in a straight jacket and heavily medicated. I'd do the same to the loonies on Twitter too.
Replacing God?
by punkofnice inwe seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
TBK - politics and government have become the new religion
Also headed by corrupt filth.
Replacing God?
by punkofnice inwe seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
LUHE - Greta and other people from the Thunberg Tendency believe in their own Armageddon (end of the world due to pollution), and salvation (if only people would listen to what they say and agree with them on everything, the world will be saved).
I never thought of it like that. I will in future though. I would add, they love their accolades and MONEY cult stylee!! Like Tonus said
I think we have a strong subconscious desire to belong in groups
As for...
piously lecturing me that all human beings have human rights,
There are those that give up any permitted rights by their inhuman actions. I'd shoot the buggers. (As George Carlin noted, we don't have rights, just a set of privileges that the Government can remove at any time.)
Another bunch of retards that I'd kick in the scrotes are - the NHS bosses.
All those Sheeple Seals clapping on Thursdays for them. Then the top dogs at NHS waste all that money on 'diversity and inclusion officers'. I mean, the NHS. Already one of the most diverse and inclusive institutions in the UK.
Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one
by Mikejw inhere in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
Jan - Interestingly l have heard of a few people feeling unwell for a time after being jabbed but no one dying.
I felt dreadful after my 3rd Jab. But I didn't die, in case anyone wondered.
Yes. I had the jabs. I'm not having any boosters though. I'm not really convinced those are any good.
It was directly after my 1st jab I got abdominal pains on my right. The same after the 2nd. When I rang 111 to tell them, they really avoided that fact and told me to take Paracetamol and if I died to ring 999.
I'm glad I didn't clap like a Sheeple seal for the NHS on those Thursdays.
Replacing God?
by punkofnice inwe seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
We seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days. I'm speaking from the UK.
With the lack of belief in God/s, I'm wondering if all the seeming (note: I said seeming!), deification of people like Greta Thunberg, George Floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by God with people?
Do we have an inbuilt need to believe in something or someone?
Or has the World gone totally stupid?
How Many Of You Knew Something Was Really Wrong Growing Up JW? What was Your First Clue?
by Sea Breeze inthis is directed to born-ins.
around age 10 or 12 is when it first hit me.
i started asking questions about how the world worked and i really wanted an honest opinion from my parents.
As apre-teen. One day I was in the living room (I remember it to this day for some reason), and I got an uneasy feeling. I thought, 'why did god pick me for eternal life, out of all my friends at school; all my wonderful relatives; just because my parents are JWs?'
I struggled all my life to be a JW because it felt wrong, unchristian and devoid of any meaning.
I guess my parents did what they thought was best for me but I kind of have a bit of resentment toward my departed Dad for being duped by the filthy, disgusting, spiritually and morally bankrupt Jehovah's Witness(tm) abusive cult.