Dissy - punkofnice, do you disbelieve the science that was taught to you in your school courses?
What school courses? I went to Walton Secondary Modern here in the UK. Science is on the move with new things discovered all the time. There are changes.
Here's the thing Dissy, old pal. 10 renowned scientists say a thing is 'so'. Another 10 renowned scientists say it 'isn't so'.
Who do you believe? I'm not a scientist, but I'll bet you a pound to a pinch of salt that the 10 that get traction are the ones pushing the current agenda. I wouldn't mind betting that there are of those 10, ones that don't believe what they're saying, but it's money coming in to them.
You see, I don't claim to 'know' just because some bald headed bloke in a white lab coat tell me stuff, or some pseudo celeb like Saint Greta of Thunberg Grifters and Co is on TV. TV is no authority on much. It's all fiction.
Do you disbelieve the history that was taught to you in school?
Yes. I do disbelieve, but not completely. History is written by the victors. I don't believe everything I read or am told. Read between the lines. Was King Henry the 8th good or bad?
How about the other subjects which were taught to you in school?
English for instance? I believe in English because not only do I speak it but so do others. The teacher used to chalk words on the blackboard too.
Woodwork. I believe in woodwork because I can make things out of wood. Metalwork too.
I was taught Evolution. Is that true? Should they have taught Creation? Islam?
Like I said Dissy, old pal, me ol' duck, I had a lifetime believing what WTB$ told me. I believed my missus loved me. It ended up as all lies.
Won't get Fooled again, Dissy and neither should you.
Now. what are your thoughts on Evolution being taught at my school back in the 1970's?