Thanks Dodgy knees.
You have hit the reality of it, I surmise.
i was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the uk.
it wasn't until i was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, i woke up, got da'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the elders whom i had served with on the boe.
one of which i know wanted to schtupf her.
Thanks Dodgy knees.
You have hit the reality of it, I surmise.
it's been years since i posted here.
my jw mother died july 5th.
it was quite honestly not that emotional for me.
Hello from the UK to your old donkey.
Sometimes our emotions catch up with us later. Still sad news.
Were you expecting the passing?
i was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the uk.
it wasn't until i was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, i woke up, got da'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the elders whom i had served with on the boe.
one of which i know wanted to schtupf her.
Thanks for your replies geezers and geezeresses. I'm glad I'm not alone.
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
Oi Dissy. Thanks for your reply. We shall agree to half disagree if you catch my drift.
I believe that the climate scientists who say
Ooooh. that's surely a bit of 'confirmation bias' innit? I don't trust them. you can if you want. They can spew out what ever word salad they like. After 50 years of the WBT$ telling me 'truth(tm)' I think it's really mega naïve to believe what some geezer in a lab coat on the green payroll says.
Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.
So says someone. Doesn't mean it's true. Even if they agree why can't their echo chamber be wrong? One name Al Gore, some Yanky bigwig. His predictions were about as accurate as WBT$'s Armageddon(tm).
It just sounds like the same old spin to me.
Having said that, people could do better for the environment. But how are you going to tell China or India that? If we could have a border around the UK that went into the sky so that the pollution from other countries didn't penetrate us, that'd be grand.
As for Evolution at school, why would I make a joke about it? Is Evolution true? I'm inclined to think so. Do I care? No. Because it won't make any difference to my daily life. At my age the road is fast running out so in the end it won't matter. I don't believe there is anything after. Just the curtain going down for good. I'm tired of this life TBH. I'm tired of people in authority. I'm bored of all the pointlessness of the tribalism in politics and life.
Right now it is well past my bed time and I need to get some sleep before i go to work tomorrow.
I'm writing this at work before I begin. I can't go on the links because of work's firewall.
Sleep well Dissy, don't work too hard, mate. (As we say here in the UK).
Yeah. Good idea, mate, about you making a new thread discussing it. If that's what you meant.
i was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the uk.
it wasn't until i was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, i woke up, got da'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the elders whom i had served with on the boe.
one of which i know wanted to schtupf her.
I was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the UK.
It wasn't until I was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, I woke up, got DA'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the Elders whom I had served with on the BOE. One of which I know wanted to schtupf her. He died. I hope it was agony.
My dear old Dad became a Jobot after he was de-mobbed from the Marines (WW11), and was in quite a vulnerable state.
Yet still, even to this day, although I miss my Dad, I do hold a sort of resentment that he thought it was best for me to be a Jobot.
50 wasted bloody years.
I guess what I'm asking is, does it sound normal that I hold this resentment and am frustrated that I can't explain to him?
PS. I'm in the UK, we don't do all this 'therapy' schtick. We generally put up and shut up this side of the pond. Stiff upper lip and all.
thesis: when someone who is given a responsibility mistakes that responsibility for authority, bullying is very likely to occur.. jesus spoke an illustration recorded at matthew 24: 45-51 which well illustrates this thesis.. jesus asked, “who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over all his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
truly i say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.
RK - When someone who is given a responsibility mistakes that responsibility for authority, bullying is very likely to occur.
Sounds about right to me. This trickles down from HQ to local BOEs.
TBH. I really don't think the Governing Body(tm) of JWs(tm) (Pee be upon them), believe their own hype.
It's just big business. A Corporation.
Paedophile protector and drunkard in Chief, TOMO3rd and his gang of child porn enablers are just on the grift.
They live a 'rock star' lifestyle. They are corrupt to the core and loving it.
joseph and mary were not in a spiritually adulterous relationship with the roman authorities, the "legs of iron".
joseph and mary were not perfect.
the governing body of the modern-day organization of jehovah's witnesses is not perfect.
Jan - Anna as often happens in discussions with JWs you are ignoring the pointed questions.
I think AnnaBanana is only here to preach distorted JW nonsense.
The posts come over as pious and arrogant as if Banana person has the 'truth(tm)' that no one else has.
There is no real discussion with this one. Only Banana person spewing forth sanctimonious statements.
I'm suspecting TROLL here or someone that needs medical assistance.
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
BB -maybe that is a simplistic view
I'm inclined to think a simplistic view is closer to the truth than conspiracy theories.
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
Dissy - punkofnice, do you disbelieve the science that was taught to you in your school courses?
What school courses? I went to Walton Secondary Modern here in the UK. Science is on the move with new things discovered all the time. There are changes.
Here's the thing Dissy, old pal. 10 renowned scientists say a thing is 'so'. Another 10 renowned scientists say it 'isn't so'.
Who do you believe? I'm not a scientist, but I'll bet you a pound to a pinch of salt that the 10 that get traction are the ones pushing the current agenda. I wouldn't mind betting that there are of those 10, ones that don't believe what they're saying, but it's money coming in to them.
You see, I don't claim to 'know' just because some bald headed bloke in a white lab coat tell me stuff, or some pseudo celeb like Saint Greta of Thunberg Grifters and Co is on TV. TV is no authority on much. It's all fiction.
Do you disbelieve the history that was taught to you in school?
Yes. I do disbelieve, but not completely. History is written by the victors. I don't believe everything I read or am told. Read between the lines. Was King Henry the 8th good or bad?
How about the other subjects which were taught to you in school?
English for instance? I believe in English because not only do I speak it but so do others. The teacher used to chalk words on the blackboard too.
Woodwork. I believe in woodwork because I can make things out of wood. Metalwork too.
I was taught Evolution. Is that true? Should they have taught Creation? Islam?
Like I said Dissy, old pal, me ol' duck, I had a lifetime believing what WTB$ told me. I believed my missus loved me. It ended up as all lies.
Won't get Fooled again, Dissy and neither should you.
Now. what are your thoughts on Evolution being taught at my school back in the 1970's?
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
Diisy - PBS
What's that? An American TV show? Not a show or channel we get here in the UK. I avoid American TV like the plague to be honest with you.
Greta is interviewing scientists about climate change and teaching the views that climate scientists are saying.
I take all this with a pinch of salt. We all should. It depends who's in the payroll of whom.
After being lied to by the WBT$, I don't believe things just because 'scientists' make claims. What about the 'scientists' that disagree?
The Thunbergs are a as I stated....on the grift and will do anything to get attention.
As Pontious when he was a Pilot asked, 'what is truth?'
With respect, it's all just blokes and birds supposing, guessing, gas lighting and making money.
As the Who sang, Won't get fooled again.