I wouldn't say I don't 'respect' the Bible as such, I just don't think it is inspired by a God or Gods. There's ome good and awful stuff in it.
However, I have the old family Bible passed down to me which is a very old KJV. That's my fave.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
I wouldn't say I don't 'respect' the Bible as such, I just don't think it is inspired by a God or Gods. There's ome good and awful stuff in it.
However, I have the old family Bible passed down to me which is a very old KJV. That's my fave.
i had to laugh.. i bumped into a friend who has started going back to the meetings and who has that enthusiastic arm-waving way of talking about the stuff they're hearing from the platform.. in part he's wittering on about some talk they'd had about king david and all of his ups and downs.
and says, "and as the speaker emphasized over and over again, we can imitate david because he was a man just like ourselves.".
" i finally interrupted.. that shut him up.
and as the speaker emphasized over and over again, we can imitate David
Was this geezer running around naked at the time?
i'm using google translate, my native language is spanish .
hola, esta es mi primera publicación en este sitio.
tengo 22 años, me dediqué a jehová y lo que creo que fue la organización de él a los 18 años.. ai am currently inactive in spiritual activities, which led me to wonder and question if the watchtower has the truth.
I need help putting together an outline (list of ideas or script) so I can talk to the congregation elders. And maybe I can make them reason, or ridiculously defend the inconsistencies of the Watchtower.
That is a bad idea.
The Elders will not see reason. They will get you shunned you without hesitation.
Elders will not listen to anything that is negative about their cult.
If you can just fade away, that is better.
I would like to leave things in a way where you remember that the honesty of seeing things is more important than blind faith.
I admire your honesty. However, the JWs will not. They will shun you, tell lies about you and feel that they are superior to you. They will not listen to anything that does not come from Watchtower. They will think that you speak for Satan.
so a few years i watched a lecture series by a man named dr. micheal heiser called the two powers in heaven, jesus in the old testament.
funny thing was it wasn't even very evangelical in nature, so i turned off my religious binders and just watched it like a regular person.
it turns out that the new testament is a hinge point in the bible.
I was of the impression that the Jobots had invented their own idea of what the churches teach about the 'Trinity' and used that as a sort of straw man argument to slag off Christians.
You know how the Jobots are.......full of their own importance and pomp. Always ready to shout about why they are superior rather than engage in honest discussions. If they think that being pious and sanctimonious will get converts and money for TOMO3 to remain perpetually drunk, they have another thing coming.
no not the watchtower, but franklin graham's samaritan purse!
nothing on the website as of noon friday edt.
evidently all the resources are tied up making their next movie.
SL - Bragging about how they help!
This is the main MO of the WBT$.
As always, nothing but false claims.
i saw this this on the news tonight :.
you would think the ladies down their would be able to keep their sexual urges under control wouldn`t you ?
Humpy - Why do you assume that particular story about women reporting sexual harassment is a fake narrative?
Er. I don't. I didn't mean to give that impression. Although I do a good impression of Clint Eastwood. However, when it comes from the Grauniad or the Beeb, I have to doubt that any truth within it hasn't been wildly distorted or corrupted. Usually for an agenda or 'the current thing'.
Would you be more inclined to believe the accusations if you heard Lloyd Evans was now working in Antarctica?
To be honest, Humpy. I am very sceptical of all I'm told after believing WBT$ crap growing up. As some random African geezer, Ola Tungi, mentioned once. there is truth, and everybody is trying to pull it to their side but it's still standing in the middle of them.
I'm really not interested in Oydd Levans or his 'celebrity' status and shenanigans. It doesn't help me in my day to day life. I'm totally disinterested in gobby people, politics and celebrities.....especially when the main stream media 'report' on them.
Life is too short. I'm fast approaching the end of mine. As Kenneth Williams' last entry in his diary before he topped himself, said..'Oh, what's the bloody point?'
Jan - I do like to pull my punches
I look at what's happening here there and Tamworth and I get more convinced that we are all just a selfish species that inhabits a planet like fleas on a cat. We are none of us as important as we think we are. The human race is a deadly virus on this world. The whole process of our existence is insane. Our societies are mentally retarded.
We have no purpose, we only fool ourselves. We are tribal and animalistic.
Love is a trick of evolution to ensure the species reproduces. When it reproduces, it spews out hierarchical societies of sheeple and leaders. Goodness knows how we actually have survived.
We are living a grand lie.
UK Tax cuts. Will the UK ever improve? I'll be impressed if it does. Right now, my city is like an open sewer and getting worse.
Did I mention I hate authority and people in it?
Anyway, rant over. As you were.
How you see this seems to depend upon which political leaning you have, in my view. Hence the debate.
No matter which argument I listen to, it all seems pointless. Our politicians are self serving. Career politicians (look at the history of the only Truss I know that isn't a hernia support), who only feather their own nest.
'Let them eat cake.' attutude.
These b'stards are not reading the room, have no interest in the common people and talk shite 24/7.
I no longer have any faith in any of the UK's parties. All utter shite.
We await neo feudalism.
can i ask please especially for all who are pomo?.
we've taken a decision similar to revelation 18:4 to get out of the watchtower and not share in its sins.. how many of you still believe that god will one day terminate the world's many systems by means of an armageddon?.
foggy - How many of you still believe that God will one day terminate the world's many systems by means of an Armageddon?
I am very sceptical about a god/gods actually existing. The Bible has been taken far too seriously by people since some blokes bunged it together from some crappy old scrolls. They did an 'eeny meenie miney mo' to chose which bits to keep and which bits to bin.
It's all a ridiculous hoax. It's all too silly to give time and fake emotions to. Nothing has happened; nothing will happen. It's a big April fool that just perpetuates.
As for 'Armageddon(tm)' by God/s. Nothing will happen. We'll all die eventually, after wasting time on a fraud like religion.
We could have been so much better.
what do you guys think of the evangelicals theory about babylon the great and the last pope...just starting this big book out of curiosity...like 500 pages...it seems there is a lot of different thinking from the borg.
Another attention seeker looking to make money from book sales is my guess.
Reminds me of he WBT$. A load of bunkum in writing.
My guess. Nothing will happen.