NL - So I would first like to ask if anyone who was raised as a jw and left the organization, would like to share how easy or difficult this transition was.
Because I was an Elder(tm), the knives were out for me because I didn't do the sensible thing and fade, I announced that I thought it was all a pile of lies from a big corporation posing as a religion. The Elders(tm) instructed my wife to leave me which destroyed our family, leaving me as a single parent coping with 2 boys.
It was hell and I'm still feeling the blows.
The only way out is to fade away. A long path.
You'll never be totally free of the greedy corporation but you can at least get some wiggle room.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(tm) are greedy, drunken, disgusting pederast lovers that thirst for power and riches. If evil exists they are wallowing in it. I loathe them with every fibre of my being but know that there will never be justice. There just isn't any power in the universe that will tip the balance in my favour. Those with money rule the day.
Rant over. As you were!