The Police are looking into the theft of toilet seats.
They have nothing to go on.
A prison van crashed into a cement mixer.
The pigs police are looking for a bunch of hardened criminals.
on halloween night, police arrested two people who were dressed up individually as a battery and a firework rocket.
they charged one and let the other off.. police in london are investigating the theft of dogs throughout the city.. they don't have any leads.. i found a large box filled with kodak 35 mm camera film, and handed it in to the police.. they said they'd let me know if there were any developments.. police recovered a valuable stolen microscope.. they say they're looking into it.. yorkshire police can't establish what's wrong with the sat-navs in their new fleet of squad cars.. they're still looking for leeds.. police are investigating the theft of a perpetual motion device.
they say it's an ongoing inquiry.. the old ones are the best!
The Police are looking into the theft of toilet seats.
They have nothing to go on.
A prison van crashed into a cement mixer.
The pigs police are looking for a bunch of hardened criminals.
how much of the preaching hours in yearly report you think are real?
they always have high numbers preaching hours.
probably increase every decade.
How much of the preaching hours in yearly report you think are real?
Not all that much. I all depends how you 'count time(tm)'.
One old geezer went out door knocking for an hour but because it was raining, he said, 'I've made an effort. I'll count this as 2 hours.'
Another deceased 'sister(tm)' used to put a report in for her son, an hour a month, despite him having buggered off years ago.
It's like everything else in life...ALL FAKE and FICTION!
supposedly, god jehovah, el , or whatever else he may have been called many thousands of years ago, or so the storys goes ,dealt with humans on a regular basis communicating with them for either good or bad.according to how they pleased him or displeased him.. so the bible record says.. how is it that god , jehovah or whatever other name you want to call him has not communicated with humans on any level for the past 2000 years ???.
in this scientific ,technological age ,wouldn`t you think this would be the time he would communicate with the potential dangers we face in potentially destroying ourselves and ruining the planets wildlife unless he interveined ?.
that`s if you even beleive that such a god actually exists .. and if he does why so silent in this day and age,?.
I have noticed that with the Bible (which I do not believe is inspired but used as if it was), the further you go back in time, the weirder the stories are. As if by Chinese whispers.
To be clear, I am not saying I believe in the time scale as a reality because it's all without evidence.
I used to believe but now that I've taken stock, I am ashamed I ever did.
God doesn't speak today because he never spoke in the past. It's all an illusion that has brought the Churches money and power.
Believe this if you wish, but why?
sometimes jws wonder if the wt/jw is not the truth, 'then where else are we to go?
' i say 'why not atheistic/scientific philosophical naturalism and why not a secular philosophy which teaches a way of life?
' what do you folks say?.
I say, ol' bean. What a long thread. Far too long for me to read.
Smiddy summed it up for me
I`m here out of the cult and that`s all that matters
Here, here!
the watchtower—study edition | march 2022. study article 12. do you see what zechariah saw?.
11. what challenges do some of jehovah’s worshippers face today?.
11 change is challenging for many of us.
when we look at things from Jehovah’s perspective.
Oh, great. So now I've got to think like an imaginary, narcissistic sky bully.
He is accomplishing great things today,
Where? Getting whiskey for drunken paedophile protector in chief, TOMO3rd?
and we have the unique privilege of being his fellow workers.
and we have the unique privilege of being robbed by the WBT$ so that drunken TOMO3rd can look after his precious pederasts.
why is it important to some that god only have one visible organization to represent him on earth?
why is it important to jehovah's witnesses that people recognize their organization as such?
what makes a witness more moral or righteous or save-worthy if they accept that it is his one and only organization?
Zane - Most JW's would look up into his bright and shinning face and say: "But you are not enough! We want a group of men to read the Bible for us and provide their own writings and interpretations for us to obey."
There'd be those that would cry out to 'Jehovah(tm)' because they'd think it was a Demon. You know, auld clootie, lucy fear or old nick from Stilton.
Then, they'd go and burn all their second hand items.....but not the second hand car.
i am posting this thread because i've seen some people ask "who are the freemasons?
back a few years ago, i had never heard of the masons before.. then, i had some masons involved in my life, so i did a lot of research into them (at the library, on the internet, in books, testimony by former masons, etc.)..
i will start a thread soon and post my beliefs and opinions on freemasonry.. here are a few things i have found in my research.. in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, masons are allowed to believe in any god they want to, except jesus christ.. in fact, in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, the name jesus christ should not even be mentioned.. that makes one wonder, doesn't it?.
PPete - This stuff is like cocaine to conspiracy theorists.
I couldn't have put it better myself.
It's all nonsense. Masons are just blokes that like to be in a special club. They do charity work. I've been involved with Masons and it's all fairly humdrum.
Once you realise that there is no god or devil, the rest is easy. It's just old geezers having a meeting, a fag and a bevvy.
according to the bible, there was dissention in heaven or god’s kingdom.
in god’s own courtyard, the factors existed for such, that perfect creations morphed into gods’ opposition, even in the presence of the universal creator.
accordingly, they are still at it, hell bent on destroying all.. here is my question; how is it that the creation thinks they can win a war with the universal creator?
Another option is that it's all just fiction. Poorly written fiction......and people have taken it all too seriously. Here we are, with people believing all sorts of nonsense.
This world could have been so much better. But, no! Tribal meat sacks.
did you know, (said with a michael caine voice) that many of the uk's pedestrian crossing consoles - upon which you find the button to press in order to cross - actually have a concealed button which is located underneath the console and out of sight!.
when the 'green man' lights up, the hidden button then rotates, letting people who are blind and deaf have a physical alert to know that it's now safe to cross the road..
Yes. My kids used to twiddle the button back in the day.
i’ve been visiting this site for quite a long time, although i rarely posted.
i would like to thank simon and all the participants, for the valuable information and support that is available here, for anyone searching about the jw organization.. just a brief introduction of myself: i live in europe (english is not my native language, so please bear with any mistakes i make).
i was born in a jw family and i’m still in the organization, but i’ve been “on the fence” about leaving the organization for quite a long time.
NL - So I would first like to ask if anyone who was raised as a jw and left the organization, would like to share how easy or difficult this transition was.
Because I was an Elder(tm), the knives were out for me because I didn't do the sensible thing and fade, I announced that I thought it was all a pile of lies from a big corporation posing as a religion. The Elders(tm) instructed my wife to leave me which destroyed our family, leaving me as a single parent coping with 2 boys.
It was hell and I'm still feeling the blows.
The only way out is to fade away. A long path.
You'll never be totally free of the greedy corporation but you can at least get some wiggle room.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(tm) are greedy, drunken, disgusting pederast lovers that thirst for power and riches. If evil exists they are wallowing in it. I loathe them with every fibre of my being but know that there will never be justice. There just isn't any power in the universe that will tip the balance in my favour. Those with money rule the day.
Rant over. As you were!