Oh, tittle pooh. Jehovah's Chariot(tm) engine has been stopping and starting again like a plane without fuel.
Sputtering out.
May the Tower fall and TOMO the Turd be rehabilitated from his possible obsessive alcohol addiction,
so, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
Oh, tittle pooh. Jehovah's Chariot(tm) engine has been stopping and starting again like a plane without fuel.
Sputtering out.
May the Tower fall and TOMO the Turd be rehabilitated from his possible obsessive alcohol addiction,
many on here are ex jw....they have left the jws because of coming to find out the many false indoctrinations.
one of the things learned as a jw is that there isn't anything true about xmas being the birth of jesus.
( matt chapter 2 tells a whole different narrative about the baby jesus than what is portrayed by the christian churches) they learn the ways that are celebrated are pagan practices jesus told the samaritan woman that god wanted to be worshipped in spirit and it truth.
I don't bother with X-mas myself.
1. Because I was raised in the mentally destructive JW cult, I have no childhood memories of X-mas. I have no anchors in it. It is totally meaningless to me.
2. Nothing to do with what the Bible says because I really can't believe all that stuff. The Bible is just a book of fairy tales and mind numbing nonsense to me. You have some way to go to even convince me that Jesus actually existed. Then you'd have to provide evidence he was as the Bible says. Even then it's not proof that he was the Son of God. It's to silly to comprehend.
3. I don't follow the commercial trail like a sheep.
ronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
Beth's Serum - As you see him lumbering off the stage.
After slurring his words about some delusional, alcoholic angry meanderings.
ronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
TOMO the turd needs your money so he can remain perpetually drunk.
Attending meetings is dangerous for children because Watchtower(tm) protects and hide sexual predators.
It also quarterlies the brain.
All the above comments I agree with.
Mind Control for Money.
i hate my life!
i have to say it, but i do.. i have a sneaking suspicion that because i was raised in the dangerous jehovah borgness cult, that this is the reason.
i was told if god didn't watch me masturbating or smoking, then he'd let me live forever in perfect conditions.. i left the borg and as a result my jw wife left me and re-married another gung ho jobo.
Nice to hear from you folks.
I'm not a pet lover, really. As Anna Marina points out, cost and mess. The other thing is my Landlord doesn't allow pets....which is OK. But thanks for the suggestions.
Phizster - Ah, our lovely NHS. Trying to contact a Doctor in our area......I'll have died of old age before that happens.
Thank you all again. Your comments have meaning to me.
maybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.. funny i thought jehoober would not need any help.. anyway here are the links.
jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke staten – vårt land (vl.no).
ffg - Hoo boy, that takes a lot of of….something….to spin that into “oh how we are being persecuted”.
The loyal Jobots will believe lies and propaganda the drunken child abusers....er, I mean Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), will spew forth.
Most of the rest of the world won't even be aware of what's happening.
May the Tower fall!
watchtower has just lost its appeal in the norwegian courts over the withdrawal of the funding it receives from the government as an officially recognised religion.
the initial decision will now stand due to what the court termed 'exclusionary practices' which includes the witnesses barbaric practice of shunning minors, even by family members in their own homes.
the ministry of children and families have decided they are now no longer eligible for the state grant of 16 million norwegian kroner given to officially recognised religions.. the following is a statement has been issued, i have summarised if it isn't readable: .
dodgy knees - That is a completely specious argument.
I agree with you. It seems that once again, a troll for the JW cult is agreeing that the WBT$ is ok to abuse children. Something they are skilled at.
the only one i know about is the big jesus in the revelation book.. know of any specific other ones?
i want to show hubby....
So, what's this face all about? WT1983
i hate my life!
i have to say it, but i do.. i have a sneaking suspicion that because i was raised in the dangerous jehovah borgness cult, that this is the reason.
i was told if god didn't watch me masturbating or smoking, then he'd let me live forever in perfect conditions.. i left the borg and as a result my jw wife left me and re-married another gung ho jobo.
Stan -a lot of guys would envy you.
They wouldn't.
Mind you, geezers. Have you seen the price of campervans? Bleedin' 'ell, same price as a stately home...nearly...well, not....but that's the joke.
I reviewed this thread because I was nattering with a chum recently. We both agreed I'm depressed. No kidding, right? Blimey O'Rielly.
Well, I kind of knew that. I'm trying things to chase away the darkness.
Rather difficult, dah-lings. Rather difficult.
I think one of the things that p1sses me off is seeing the ex doing really well in her new gung ho Jobot life. Even TOMO3rd is happier than me.......we suspect it's booze that does it...but, whatever works.
Not fair, I say!
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
tonus - Making it a symbolic number could end up working for the WTS
Watch out for 'new light(tm)' because we know the WBT$ spies read things on this forum.
Not TOMO the drunk 3rd though; he won't be able to read anything with blurred, double vision. I imagine he'd be flat out on the floor, slurring his words and stinking of booze and sick.
I wonder if the JW spies can confirm that one of Christ's brothers(tm) an irredeemable alcoholic? Oh, my. Tony won't get to heaven, will he?!
Next Washtowel will be about not insinuating there is anything wrong with the Governing Body(tm).
Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the F&DS row.