Click bait?
I didn't watch any of the World Cup, Footie bores me.
Like TOMO the turd and his nonces know anything about sport, unless it's a drinking match.
seriously....this is an article on jw.borg.. really?
football - or soccer - and bible?.
these guys have really lost the plot.. i can promise you that bible does not say a flying flaming about world cup.. however, as much as people want them to, these events cannot provide lasting unity.
Click bait?
I didn't watch any of the World Cup, Footie bores me.
Like TOMO the turd and his nonces know anything about sport, unless it's a drinking match.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
FM - Is that what you conclude after being on this forum longer than you?
Like that makes any difference.
Also, it was 3AM, mate when I posted this thread. Try to use a little common sense.
Why post at that hour? Try to use a little common sense.
FM is Simon having a laugh, right? Come on own up!
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
A couple of us wonder if FM is Simon having fun on the forum. I can't get over the unusual sentence structures and spelling errors. All part of the joke?
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
ribby - I'm not here a lot, but Fisherman seems pretty troll-y.
I agree. I'm not sure FM is genuine. I also notice weird spelling and structure; so I'm unsure if English is FM's first language.
I'm sure FM (He,her, them), is just having a laugh on here, probably from China.
a previous thread has inspired me to post this ,thanks guys .. { i`ve been out for so long i may have missed something }.
Probably anything that doesn't give them money.
There are of course, things linked to 'paganism' that they turn a blind eye to EG Wedding rings and Wedding cakes.
They are a weird cult.....but...........
Follow the money.
early on, after we left jw land, my wife said to me, “i hope you don’t care, but i don’t ever see myself doing any christmas stuff.
i don’t really understand why some ex jws decide to do that crap.” we agreed that parties were a little different because of the social aspects, but other wise i didn’t care.
now… there’s a 16’ douglas fir with ornaments and lights in our living room.
Quee - Good for you and your missus. I'm happy it worked out for you.
I've been out of the cult over 11 years and I still can't be bothered with a tree.
May your missus's hand be healed nicely.
Fairy, star or other on top of your tree?
the watchtower—study edition | january 2023. study article 3. jehovah is helping you to succeed.
how jehovah makes you successful.
13. does jehovah intervene in every situation we face?
Does Jehovah intervene in every situation we face? Explain.
Er, as Unky Punky sees it........ If Jehovah(tm) doesn't exist then the question is irrelevant.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
FM - I don’t mean what JW taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
Well, that narrows it down. What time-frame are you narrowing it down to? Last 25 years? Why brush the cult's failures under the carpet?
Why was there something not correct? God dropped his phone in the toilet again?
Unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.
It's all relevant. If the cult leaders need to make 'corrections' then something is deeply wrong with them. they should have got it right the 1st time Jehovah(tm) whispered in TOMO's ear. Or was he too drunk to hear properly?
OK. Loss of lives because of the cult's stance on refusing blood transfusions. Then they changed to being ok with blood 'fractions(tm)'. What of the lives lost and families damaged by the stance before 'blood fractions(tm)' that needn't have happened after the 'correction(tm)'?
You tell me.
Smiddy - How can the JW`s religion be consistent if they have modified /changed their position
Spot on mate!
sometimes jws wonder if the wt/jw is not the truth, 'then where else are we to go?
' i say 'why not atheistic/scientific philosophical naturalism and why not a secular philosophy which teaches a way of life?
' what do you folks say?.
Dissy - Hi punkofnice. Lately in thread I have been making posts about nutritional/medicinal supplements which seem to prolong good health and which seem to prolong lifespan.
Sorry. I missed this 1st time around. That is an interesting subject.
I sometimes pick and munch on a bit of Yarrow that grows wild in the grass. Have to mind that the dogs haven't left their 'scent' on it tho.
my father would have started college 49 years ago this week.
about three months earlier, the week he graduated high school, the awake!
magazine came out with some very clear direction to teenagers.
....oooh, I don't wanna go there......................I wanted to go to Art College and become a success with art in some area.
'Oh, No! You can't get a further education, Punk. Armageddon(tm) is right around the corner....and think of all the bad association(tm).'
It makes my blood boil.