Bi - Punky, it said “or current resident.”
Just tell them 'Current Resident' doesn't live here either.
so, my daughter got a letter from a female jw, containing a tract.
i want to respond to this woman, in a kind way.
she included a phone number, and email, return address is the kh.
Bi - Punky, it said “or current resident.”
Just tell them 'Current Resident' doesn't live here either.
so, my daughter got a letter from a female jw, containing a tract.
i want to respond to this woman, in a kind way.
she included a phone number, and email, return address is the kh.
I'd simply write, 'not known at this address' and put it back in the post box...or mail box...or whatever they call them where you are.
i mean for the fact that he only dealt with and chose one body of people ?.
whatabout all of the other bodies of people all around the earth at that time ?.
apparently he didn`t care much for them !.
I believe at the time, China was a fully fledged empire much more fully advanced than the goat herders of the Bible. Why didn't God choose them instead? Perhaps because there is no God to do any real choosing.
The God of the Bible is no more than a narcissistic monster. That's before we even start to debate the existence of a God/s in any religion.
the upcoming km school for all elders and servants is going to be in person only with no provision for video conferencing.. only fully vaccinated may attend.
meaning if you missed your last booster you are no longer fully vaccinated.. every coordinator of body of elders has to ask every single ms and elder if they have kept up with all their boosters and are fully vaccinated or they can’t attend.. this seems to be a census the gb want to know how many are keeping up with booster shots.
Indy - well if when the trail is over and these experimental medical treatments are withdrawn because they are not safe and effective THAT IS CONCLUSIVE PROOF THE GB ARE NOT INSPIRED BY JEHOVAH
That TOMO is a nasty drunken sot should be proof enough. Also, that the Corporation hides and protects bloody nonces should make you want to flee from it.
/\ You need that website to research. If you are open minded, you'll never want to walk back into a Kingdom Hall(tm) ever again. Go out and find REAL friends....the sort that won't dob you in to the Elders(tm) if you do something that the Watchtower Corporation(tm) doesn't like.
In fact, it's easier to list things the Corporation(tm) ACTUALLY likes.
1. Money
2. Nonces
2023 will see a big push to get rank and file back to in person meetings and ministry.
they have opened a can of worms with zoom but what they really want is only in extreme illnesses cases can someone use zoom .
the only problem is they want everyone fully vaccinated which means if you didn’t go for your latest booster in the last several months then you are no longer fully vaccinated and just the same as someone who never accepted any shots right from the start.
Indy - I’m definitely having doubts about many things. Certainly 1914 as we are getting too far away from here in 2023.
If part of the Watchtower Corporation's(tm) doctrine is in doubt, then it's all wrong.
I doubt the GB are inspired by God as they are so wrong about the vaccines this was the breaking point for many but we are all to scared to talk about it.
Get out of that place. Do not share in their 'sins'(tm). They have you under their mind control. Unless you need to fade because of what you might stand to lose in terms of family etc. I recommend you read Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven wassisname. Oh, Hassan, that's it.
so I’m PIMO and having more and more doubts about so many things that I used to believe
Like I say. It will all explode like a ball of rubber bands being cut, one of these days for you.
but when it comes to intelligent design or chance I believe the universe was designed
Believe what you want, no one really cares TBH. Just escape the mind control of the Borg ASAP.
If not the God of the Bible then who was the intelligent designer?
We'll never know unless he/she/they/them come and tell us face to face. Maybe we're all in the Matrix. Maybe this is all a dream. Start from zero and work your way up. Usually we just believe because our parents told us so, or some stuff like that. That's why you'll find different cultures believe different things. Programming!
anyway I’m still going to the kingdom ministry school became I enjoy all things like this, and for the association if I can somehow make the elders think I’m fully vaxed
You need vaccinating against the mind control of the cult if anything.
You'll find your mind becomes clear once you have freed yourself from meetings(tm) etc where the hypnotic mind control techniques are at work.
How about having a butchers* at logical fallacies and pick them out if you must go to the boasting sessions.
*Cockney rhyming slang - Butcher's hook = Look
2023 will see a big push to get rank and file back to in person meetings and ministry.
they have opened a can of worms with zoom but what they really want is only in extreme illnesses cases can someone use zoom .
the only problem is they want everyone fully vaccinated which means if you didn’t go for your latest booster in the last several months then you are no longer fully vaccinated and just the same as someone who never accepted any shots right from the start.
I wonder why they're so zealous about the experimental, non proven vaccinations?
To whom do they belong?
the upcoming km school for all elders and servants is going to be in person only with no provision for video conferencing.. only fully vaccinated may attend.
meaning if you missed your last booster you are no longer fully vaccinated.. every coordinator of body of elders has to ask every single ms and elder if they have kept up with all their boosters and are fully vaccinated or they can’t attend.. this seems to be a census the gb want to know how many are keeping up with booster shots.
indy - The fat old men who make up the GB are definitely vax pushers,
I wonder what's in it for them?
Also, why are you still doing the JW thing?
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
'highlight their positive aspects of the 2022 service year'
No room for truth. Just spin.
Once you see the propaganda control methods, you can't unsee them.
were you ever on a congregation picnic?
i was on several occasions.. the arrangements were often announced from the platform after the closing song and prayer by the last elder up on the platform.. sometimes it was included in the service meeting announcements as "on saturday we're meeting at 10.00am at the kingdom hall for field service, and after field service for anyone who wishes, especially for the younger ones, we will be having a congregation picnic meeting at the beach carpark on seaview road.".
well, according to the new elders manual you won't be hearing those words again.
Yes. We all had to be sensible and on our best behaviour. It was worse than terminal constipation. The Jobots were all trying to pretend they were enjoying themselves.
so perhaps we all heard the jw story about jesus talking to gehenna and he was referring to a place outside the city where there was a dump burning refuse and everyone knew what it meant.. according to tradition relates that the valley of hinnom thereafter became a place for the disposal of garbage.
and the bible provides confirmation for this.
at jeremiah 31:40, for example, the valley of hinnom is evidently called the “low plain of the carcasses and of the fatty ashes.” there was also the “gate of the ash-heaps,” a gate that seems to have opened out onto the eastern extremity of the valley of hinnom at its juncture with the kidron valley.—nehemiah 3:13, 14.. i think i heard that in the study of the greatest teacher book first.
Living in the UK