My Dad was a manager in a Cost Office.
He often used to say, 'You can do anything with figures to make things go in your favour.' (Because he was British, he used the 'U' in 'Favour'. See how international we are).
What he meant was that you can't trust what's on the surface because it might not be so.
When organisations (With an 'S' not a 'Z' because that's how it is here), make declarations of stats and figures.........
...........why believe what they say? I don't.
With Watchtower Corporation(tm), are they taking into account all the expensive whiskey TOMO 3rd is getting drunk on every day?
There was this Elder(tm) in my last congregation(tm), bit of dimwit used to 'prove' the Corporation(tm) had Jehovah's(tm) blessing by saying, 'Look at the growth!'
What a niiny!