the brainwashing has has been so strong that if you doubt the GB then you may be shunned
We will never know the numbers. Individuals won't let on because of the dire ramifications of disagreeing with the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them). The shunning/disfellowshipping(tm) proves the Watchtower(tm) is a cult....a big business pretending to be a religion so TOMO can remain permanently Brahms and Liszt on fine whiskey.
the Jobots that doubt will probably brush it off as 'they're just imperfect men doing their best.'
Wake up Jobots, these are disgusting Corporation(tm) men who probably don't believe in God themselves. Hence, why TOMO always seems to be drunk, slurring his words. Not to mention, they empower paedophiles willingly.
hoping Jehovah would let other good people into the new world even if they are not baptised JWs
IMHO, it's a pity people have to believe in Jehovah(tm) or any God at all. I wouldn't say I'm an atheist as such, more awaiting evidence that an invisible man in the sky exists.
I reserve my judgement on a God/s until I see actual evidence. Not the psychosis of tribes that believe because that's what their culture told them.