I wonder how 'Winder' is pronounced?
As in Wind-bag or Wine Bibber?
As for Fleegle. Banana Splits?
breaking news from jw.org..... "we are pleased to inform you that two additional brothers have been appointed to serve as members of the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses: brothers gage fleegle and jeffrey winder.
both brothers are anointed christians who have a long history of loyal service to jehovah.
brother fleegle began his full-time service in 1989 and bethel service in 1991. brother fleegle has served as a helper to the service committee of the governing body.
I wonder how 'Winder' is pronounced?
As in Wind-bag or Wine Bibber?
As for Fleegle. Banana Splits?
if there is evidence that jesus invisibly chose specific men at headquarters in brooklyn new york in 1919 to be his faithful slave and that mandate and ability passed on to future directors...then the answer might just be a resounding maybe.. what is the evidence for this invisible appointment and what is the evidence that this is just watchtower mythology?.
i hope jws like scholar and fisherman will explain why the trust the gb.. i must be honest, i see no evidence at all to put trust in either the 1919 selection or the current men taking the lead in warwick.
Anyone would think the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them) of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm), were not promoting themselves. (He said ironically).
They have been ramming this home into the Jobots from time immemorial. No wonder the Jobots are hypnotised by it all. Keep repeating a lie until everyone believes it....and so on.
I don't believe for one minute they even believe this themselves because at their level, they must know it's just a corrupt big business pretending to be a religion.
If they were a bona fide religion, their top brass wouldn't be drunkards and they would take measures to stamp out child molesters, not protect them, whatever the cost to their reputation.
If God is with them, who can be against them?
i've been out for 13 years.
just wondering who the society is identifying as the king of the north?.
This just reminds me how fragile the Corporation(tm) teachings(tm) are. The last I heard, about 11 years ago, was that they didn't know who the KotN was.
Now it's Russia?
Talk about flip flops. They know. They don't know. They know. A bit like the men of Sodom being resurrected(tm).
Anyone would think that Jehovah(tm) really DOESN'T speak to them.
i am pimo but too scared to talk about my doubts with anyone for fear of being shunned.
i know many now have doubts that the vaccines are safe and effective this is as good as doubting the gb.
you can it say anything in doubt about the vaccines because the gb still act like salesmen for big pharmaceuticals .
indy - I don’t want to be shunned and lose family and friends
That's fair enough and quite natural. That's the reason the Corporation(tm) has introduced Disfellowshipping(tm), to lock you in
I still believe in intelligent design rather than chance evolution
Again. Fair enough. So did I until I got out of the mind control of the Corporation(tm). Now, I'm free to explore my own route with an open mind.
but I don’t believe the GB are correct
They're not. The Corporation(tm) is just another cult.
If it helps; when I was coming out of the Corporation's(tm) mind control, I viewed them as being like the 'Apostate'(tm) leaders of Israel that took the people down an ungodly path.
I'm sorry for your pain. Perhaps a slow fade would be of use to you. Also, check out Logical Fallacies and see how the Corporation(tm) uses them.
Check out Loaded Language and how Watchtower Corporation(tm) uses it to control your mind.
i am pimo but too scared to talk about my doubts with anyone for fear of being shunned.
i know many now have doubts that the vaccines are safe and effective this is as good as doubting the gb.
you can it say anything in doubt about the vaccines because the gb still act like salesmen for big pharmaceuticals .
Indy. I think you might be getting too wound up about all this. There's nothing you can do about it. The Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), will do what the hell they bleedin' well want.
Just breathe my ol' mucker. Take time out from them and BREATHE.
Lucky - Fleegle was NOT annointed until recently. Within the last 10 years.
How utterly convenient. Yes. We know his game, don't we!?!
I wonder if they're replacing TOMO because he can't walk in a straight line and slurs his words? Amazing what Whiskey the spirit can do!
if there is evidence that jesus invisibly chose specific men at headquarters in brooklyn new york in 1919 to be his faithful slave and that mandate and ability passed on to future directors...then the answer might just be a resounding maybe.. what is the evidence for this invisible appointment and what is the evidence that this is just watchtower mythology?.
i hope jws like scholar and fisherman will explain why the trust the gb.. i must be honest, i see no evidence at all to put trust in either the 1919 selection or the current men taking the lead in warwick.
is interpreted but the interpretation comes from God and is then published.
(WT 1943 July 1 pp. 202-203)
deliver what is published.
(PREPARATION 1933 pp. 36-37, 64)
WATCHTOWER publishes "no man's opinion".
(WT 1931 November 1 p. 327; 1936 March 15 p. 85)
it (this organization) alone...the Bible is not a sealed book." The WTS is
"the only organization on earth that understands the 'deep things of God.'
(WT 1973 July 1 p. 402)
The leaders are "spirit directed" (WT 1988 March 1 p. 10)
"God's channel."
(WT 1969 January 15 p. 51; 1960 July 15 pp. 439, 442)
is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the
'slave' as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision."
(WT 1957 June 15 p. 370)
C. T. Russell founder of the WTS, called himself "God's mouthpiece" (WT 1906 July 15 p. 229); claimed that compared to reading his books Bible reading is "a waste of time" (WT 1910 September 15 p. 298)
, and
that his books "harmonize...every statement in the Bible."
God uses
and directs the WTS.
(VINDICATION Book 1 1931 p. 77)
'slave' class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of
Biblical truth to men on earth. Just as the early Christian congregation
collectively served as the channel of communication from heaven to earth, so in
our time."
(WT 1960 July 15 p. 439)
"As Jehovah revealed his truths by means of the first-century Christian congregation so he does today by means of the present-day Christian congregation. Through this agency he is having carried out prophesying on an intensified and unparalleled scale. All of this activity is not an accident. Jehovah is the one behind all of it." (WT 1964 June 15 p. 365)
in submitting to Jehovah's theocratic organization, we must be in full and
complete agreement with every feature of its apostolic procedure and
(WT 1967 October 1 p. 593)
"It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision." (Watchtower 1957 Jun 15 p.370)
Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book. Many persons of the world are very intelligent, capable of understanding complex matters. They can read the Holy Scriptures, but they cannot understand their deep meaning.""( Watchtower 1973 Jul 1 p.402)
The point is that Christians have implicit trust in their heavenly Father; they do not question what he tells them through his written Word and organization." (Watchtower 1974 Jul 15 p.441)
"We must serve Jehovah in truth, as revealed in his Word and made clear in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave." Watchtower 1996 May 15 p.18
w10 7/15 p.23 par.10 “The Spirit Searches Into... the Deep Things of God”
When the time comes to clarify a spiritual matter in our day, holy spirit helps responsible representatives of “the faithful and discreet slave” at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood. (Matt. 24:45; 1 Cor. 2:13)
p.17: "Listening to the slave class means giving our full cooperation to its Governing Body."
p.27: "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" "The slave thus deserves our complete trust"
p.28: "By all means, then, let us listen to the Christ and his trustworthy spirit-anointed brothers."
***w10 9/15 p.8 par.7 Earnestly Seek Jehovah’s Blessing ***
We cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it.
-- w10 9/15 p. 13 par. 8: "Similarly today, a Governing Body composed of spirit-anointed Christians contributes to the unity of the worldwide congregation. The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God’s Word. Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah.—Isa. 54:13."
***w10 9/15 p.23 par.8 “Your Leader Is One, the Christ” ***
The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.
***si p.9 par.16 (2011) “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” ***
(1) Jehovah God originates his utterances; (2) then his official Word, or Spokesman—now known as Jesus Christ—often transmits the message; (3) God’s holy spirit, the active force that is used as the medium of communication, carries it earthward; (4) God’s prophet on earth receives the message; and (5) he then publishes it for the benefit of God’s people.
-- w12 9/15 p. 22 par. 16 Learn From the Patience of Jehovah and Jesus
Well, a person who lacks confidence that the end is near might start to make alternate arrangements, so to speak, in case things do not work out as Jehovah said they would.
-- w12 9/15 p. 24 par. 4 "You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour"
As the end of this system draws ever closer, the work of pointing to Jehovah’s provisions for salvation has never been more important.
-- w12 11/15 p. 17 par. 9 Cultivate the Spirit of a Lesser One
A humble person has heartfelt gratitude for Jehovah’s provisions, including spiritual food. Hence, such an individual is a diligent student of the Bible and an avid reader of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Like many other faithful servants of Jehovah, he may make it a practice to read each new publication before putting it away on a bookshelf in his personal library. When we manifest humble appreciation by reading and studying our Bible-based publications, we make spiritual advancement, and Jehovah is able to use us more fully in his service.
-- w13 4/15 p12 par 11 Do not tire out
Jehovah has provided a bounteous supply of written spiritual food to give us strength. No doubt, you can think of a time when after reading a publication, you thought: ‘That is exactly what I needed! It is as if Jehovah had that written just for me!’ That is not a coincidence. Through these provisions, Jehovah does instruct and guide us.
WT 15 Nov 2013 - "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith."
I don't have any of the latest garbage since I left in 2010.
a very recent case i mentioned briefly in another thread might be of interest to many here.
a mormon found through the internet that her church leadership had deliberately misled members regarding the origin of the book of mormon and engaged in historical revisioning.
she sued for damages for the lifelong tithing she had been deceived into giving.
Not only the drunken paedophile lovers, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm)(Pee be upon them), use 'theocratic warfare(tm)' then.
We thank our heavenly Father, Jehovah, for raising up such faithful men
I wonder if they're drunken paedophile enablers too?
Never heard of them.
The only Fleegle I know is from the Banana Splits.