Hello, Madster.
cofty Don't 'jump out of the frying pan into the fire'.
This is wise. Because Watchtower Corporation(tm) conditions the mind with their 'all or nothing' panic, I often see JWs jump from the dangerous JW cult to another that's similar-ish. Comfort zone. Fear that god will lovingly murder you soon.
Don't fall for these grifters, even if they do wear nice clothes, silly hats and use Latin or Old English. They go to the toilet (bathroom if you're over the Atlantic to me), like the rest of us. Merely men. They are prone to all the failings we are. They are not the voice of God, they are grifters.
Take time to breathe. Just breathe.
Don't rush into anything because the corrupt Corporation(tm) has made you think you need to.
Learn some critical thinking skills.