It's a good way of turning it on it's head. Cofty.
Hopefully, it will make some stop and think.
it's difficult to comprehend how arrogant the members of the governing body must be to sanction much of the content that appears in their literature.
they identify themselves as the 'faithful and discreet slave' - that alone requires an astonishing degree of pride.
but what is even more amazing - arguably to the level of insanity - is the way they then use that phrase to elevate themselves above the rest of the organisation.
It's a good way of turning it on it's head. Cofty.
Hopefully, it will make some stop and think.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Can I ask where this came from? Please quote reliable sources.
Also, where is the actual evidence (not hearsay or rumours), that these things are required?
I think the picture is an ironic mickey take, not meant to be taken seriously.
You're beginning to look like conspiracy nuts.
i mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
Hello, Madster.
cofty Don't 'jump out of the frying pan into the fire'.
This is wise. Because Watchtower Corporation(tm) conditions the mind with their 'all or nothing' panic, I often see JWs jump from the dangerous JW cult to another that's similar-ish. Comfort zone. Fear that god will lovingly murder you soon.
Don't fall for these grifters, even if they do wear nice clothes, silly hats and use Latin or Old English. They go to the toilet (bathroom if you're over the Atlantic to me), like the rest of us. Merely men. They are prone to all the failings we are. They are not the voice of God, they are grifters.
Take time to breathe. Just breathe.
Don't rush into anything because the corrupt Corporation(tm) has made you think you need to.
Learn some critical thinking skills.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
The problem with conspiracy stuff is that it is like having 'accurate knowledge(tm)' that JWs think they have.
It makes one feel special and warm inside that one knows stuff other people don't.
This is what I meant about jumping from one crazy cult to another level of cultishness.
I think you need to stop and take a breather, indy....before you go didlow.
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
Ding - a foot-in-the-door JW
I've met a few of those. One claimed to be 'anointed(tm)', which I now think simply means 'bonkers'.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Substitute the word 'apathetic' to 'sceptical' or just 'to darned busy making ends meet'.
I think you need time to stop and breathe.
The JW mind-set is geared up to make you believe in something bigger or you're doomed. Give yourself permission to stop doing that to yourself.
If there is a god, it knows where to find you.
If there is a truth about Life, the universe and everything, we'll probably never know. That's the reality of it.
Take a breather before it sends you didlow.
You need to be careful that you don't jump from one bonkers cult into another.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Indy - this is because most people are in doubt big time if it was all lies
I'm interested in where you get 'most' from.
Not having a go, but why do you say 'most'?
'Most' of the people I know, don't give a monkeys. We're all trying to schlep along the best we can.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
indy - you could say this about most things the so called experts tell us.
I do quite a lot.
Personally I’m the type who wants to get to the bottom of lies
What's the point? It makes no difference in our lives.
I go to work. Pay the bills. Provide necessities. For me at least, and it's not everyone....No amount of bothering if man went to the moon or not is in the slightest bit helpful.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Stan - I think there is a lot to prove if one claims the Bible is the word of God. Just because it's the common belief in your area, doesn't make it true.
Like you, I'm a bit too long in the tooth to believe this or that on faith alone. I wasn't there at the start and neither was anyone else I know.
I accept what is around me and what there is evidence for.
Whether, man went to the moon or not, makes no difference to my life.
As Noel Coward wrote, I paraphrase, 'Oh, well. You live and learn. And then in the end, you die and forget it all.'
sadly, jehovah's witnesses depend on their religion to save them, and the bible does not point to religion as a saving point for salvation.. the video message below shows from the bible that for salvation, jesus paid it all for you.. are you saved?.
To convince me, would be a long road.
1st, Prove the Jesus existed. Then you have to prove it was the Bible Jesus. After that, you have to prove that God even exists even if a 'Bible Jesus' claimed thus.
The problem as I see is, that people have been conned into believing that the Bible is true as the starting point. The starting point should be to ask if the Bible is even credible, not just because of our feelings, but facts.
Why is the Bible credible but the Quran isn't?
You've been conned by men in silly hats making big claims. Funny how they have amassed fortune from such claims.
It's all a big grift. I'd like to be proven wrong, but there it is.