I remember after the local Elders(tm) disassociated(tm) me. I wasn't at that meeting, I was at a friends house playing guitar and writing songs.
Shortly after, a new fleece the flock book was released. I obtained a PDF copy before the local elders(tm).
Then I seem to remember that as a result of the Australian Royal Commission, a copy of the fleece the flock book was available on their site.
..and does anyone recall when there was a letter sent to elders(tm) telling them that if they had the book bound, a sister mustn't do the leatherwork?
I no longer give a monkeys about the Watchtower corporation(tm) and don't have a great deal of interest these days. I come on here out of morbid fascination to see what my relatives are being indoctrinated with.
I have long come to realise that the JWs are NOT a real religion, they are being suckered by a ruthless money oriented big corporation.
It's all a sham. Such a pity the jobots can't see it like we do.