gorb - picture with the beautiful model swimming in a lake
We had a sister(tm) in our congregation that looked like that.
I see they stole the picture from a German magazine. Can't recall which one.
gorb - picture with the beautiful model swimming in a lake
We had a sister(tm) in our congregation that looked like that.
I see they stole the picture from a German magazine. Can't recall which one.
smiddy - I`m an aussie and I need to be enlightened about nonce?
Not On Normal Couirtyard Excersise = Prison slang for Paedo AKA Wrong 'un
"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
EasyP - they won't change the shunning until the organization is gone. They don't care if a person is suicidal or not suicidal. They care about money and power and protecting their image.
I have to agree with you.
If they could get more money for the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), to live their gluttonous, sex offender protecting life by ending 'shunning', they might change it. Until the money dries up, they will shun whomsoever they want to irrespective of vulnerability because they are utter filth of the lowest order.
It's just a big corporation pretending to be a religion to con money and assets from victims.
If the Alien cannot give money to the Watchtower Corporation(tm), then the Alien is of no use to them.
Unless the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm) are interested in Alien child nastiness..........because I suspect the way the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm) protect nonces, they may well be nonces themselves.
(Not sure if Americans use the term 'nonce').
the new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
What they really mean is - No DF if the Watchtower Corporation(tm) might lose money.
They don't care about life. It's all about money.
i came across this fascinating article and thought it was worth sharing it with you.
i grew up in that religion so a lot of it struck a chord with me.. https://www.spiritualabuseresources.com/articles/born-or-raised-in-closed-high-demand-groups-developmental-considerations.
I resonated with this.
I'd like to see the 'recovery' paper.
have you guys noticed, this year 2023 no more public edition magazines...i wonder how they are gonna spin that fact.
Tonus - Yes. That had me laughing until I soiled myself.
It really is openly crap spin on old Sandy wandys' part. What a twotspangle!
I wonder how many PIMI Jobots cringed at that?
my understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
Fedup - It sounds like the sheet of paper the kids colour in at McDonalds crap food outlet.....only less intellectual and entertaining.
my understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
George - Kingdom Ministry ..... From then it changed to Our kingdom Service and back again to Our Kingdom Ministry
I remember that. A crappy bit of paper with 4 pages.......with an insert sometimes.
The memory has made me feel nauseous already.
i remember a couple of decades ago when the internet was relatively young and the wt was at war with it, that they were battling to keep the pay attention book secret, commencing legal action against anyone who published it online (and of course, trying to out anyone who leaked it).
i think it was a norwegian skeptics organisation who had it available for download and dared the wt lawyers to come after them.. so i guess the new shepherd the flock book came out to try and put the genie back in the bottle and reassert some air of mystery and secrecy back into the equation.. so i typed jehovah's witnesses secret elder book into google.
colour me gobsmacked!
Notty - What are some other terms that you wouldn't expect in a church/religion?
That probably deserves it's own thread if it doesn't already have one somewhere.
'Governing Body' is more a secular term IMHO. Yet they try to imply there was one in Bible times. The deception is full on with this Corporation faking as a religion.