and another....
The JW leaders have turned their sheeple into monsters.
All because TOMO 3rd and the Governing Body (Pee be upon them), want money to get drunk with. Oh, that, and to protect their like minded paedophiles.
Filthy, disgusting pigs.
this was taken in london yesterday by a twitter user still managing his fade so i can't be more specific than that.
and another....
The JW leaders have turned their sheeple into monsters.
All because TOMO 3rd and the Governing Body (Pee be upon them), want money to get drunk with. Oh, that, and to protect their like minded paedophiles.
Filthy, disgusting pigs.
since i need to keep up for family's sake i "study"(skim, its not deep).
worship: pray, study ( wt), go to meetings ( formal, not gathering 2 or 3), preach.
thrn add helping build halls, donating, and since donations go one way only, give material aid to others.. note construction time isn't for service,( but i may have turned in time for it).
Roadie - but I may have turned in time for it....
I think 99% of reporting time(TM) is all fictional, anyway. (Anyways with an 's' on the end if you're in America).
Where the 'donations(tm)' actually go...........
if you think it works, what is your evidence outside of possible coincidence?.
Judgy. I was told once that as a believer, you'll never really find evidence for God etc.
I find that a bit hard to swallow.
I think that here, in the Western world a lot of people think 'Bible' when they think in terms of God and belief.
How do we know that Allah, Odin or Rastafari isn't the real God and we have the wrong book?
You see my dilemma?
if you think it works, what is your evidence outside of possible coincidence?.
judgy - And I choose to believe that verse means...............
And that's what bothers me.
Choosing to believe isn't the same as knowing.
If those verses were of divine origin, there would be no choosing to believe. It would be obvious when read, exactly what it means.
i saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
Simon - That's one ugly woman IMO
I'd give her one. But then there's more to a person than looks.
She also seems like an ugly personality
...and this is what would turn me off from giving the dog a bone.
Perhaps a 3 bag job. One for her head. One for my head and 1 to puke into after.
i saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
biahi - I’m waiting for the “new light” which absolves members of disfellowshipping if they pay a certain dollar amount. I’ll bet it’s coming soon, to a KH near you.
I wonder what would happen if they brought in tithing instead of the stealth and bully boy tactics.
its a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
NBD - The study of 'weasel words' in the Washtowel Publicatiobs(tm), is an interesting thing in itself.
i saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
she was praying for Armageddon to come
Bang goes her opulent lifestyle, then. Enjoy the cave love, it's the best we can offer because the Elders have taken all the best yurts.
we are living in critical times hard to deal with.This was her response to the Texas School shooting
Why do these people only see 'critical times(TM)' in terms of America. There is a world outside of America.
The cult GB give people like her a pass
Agreed on both counts.
It's no coincidence how the wealthy always get the perks in Jobot land.
Dunno. A bit before my time.
its a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
biahi - Witnesses should use “comrade” instead of “friends”, seems more fitting.
Or 'fellow unworthy one'.