I thought this had been going on since 2014?
Why has it suddenly become 'the current thing' that we must all follow like sheep?
A smokescreen for something else?
i was under the impression that it was going to be a short war, that russia’s military would indeed subdue ukraine’s forces quickly but that is not happening.
seems that russia’s military power is much less than it’s reputed to be.
no guess how it will all end..
I thought this had been going on since 2014?
Why has it suddenly become 'the current thing' that we must all follow like sheep?
A smokescreen for something else?
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
DJW - Greta Thunberg's message is a truthful one, which is well founded in scientific knowledge.
Saint Greta hasn't got any message. She just whinges from a script prepared for her. She offers no solutions. Her family are grifters. Failed actors and showbiz people looking for a grift to get money. What scientific evidence have they offered and from what sources? I'll bet, nothing!
Humpster. Deary, me, deary me. What are you telling us? Trump? I guess you are referring to your Donald? That fixes nothing if you're not in America. There are other places in the world apart from America, you know. Politics? How and tribal you are, ducky-egg.
even in jesus’s day, humans had chromosomes.
and so did jesus —because he was human.
so let’s say jesus took a dna test, his mitochondrial dna would go back to eve but interestingly jc also would inherit dna from sinful adam on his mother’s side because his mother mary passed on to jc dna from both adam and eve.
First. Prove to me that Jesus actually existed.
Just because the Bible says so doesn't make it true.
where is the real evidence?
BB - Perhaps it was my dub upbringing that made me disinterested in the Royal Family. I sympathise with anybody that has lost a mother/grandmother, but she meant nothing to me.
I wondered the same. But then, I never knew her in person.
Yes. Any death is sad but I'm not PRETENDING to care on a personal basis like the virtue signalling hypocrites.
One minute the BBC are slamming Commonwealth and rulership, the next they pretend to be sad the Monarch of said Commonwealth has passed.
hi folks.. i put this in abuse as i thought it relevant.. a physically in mentally out friend that considers our friendship greater than religion told me that on the latest broadcast steven lett alluded to satans voice being behind people that claim the organisation protects pedophiles.. my friend then went on to say they must be in damage control.. he added, but that is correct, they are hiding their internal records.
is not that construed as protecting the accused?.
if i get the inclination i may post a snippet of what was actually said.. sadly my friend is trying to protect his family relationships and so goes along with the charade.. his situation weighs on me but, as many of you here know, it can be a difficult road to travel.. jtg.
Call the Police.
Get DF'd.
But at least you've protected children from harm which is more than 'god's mouthpiece on Earth(tm)' will ever do because I'm convinced they are paedophiles themselves.
And now all the fake virtue signalling will begin with the media, celebs and insincere nobodies in the street.
People that really don't give a damn.
Sad news of course.
It's going to get really annoying with Media, Big wigs and Celebs boo hooing insincerely and pontificating about what they think. I know what I think, I'm not interested in their thoughts.
I expect a glut of boring repeats on TV now. I'll be avoiding TV and Radio for the next 10 days. It'll be DVD's and Spotify for a while.
I'm not convinced Charles boy is the right person for the job. He seems a bit out of touch with the real world.
i am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
tonus - I'm glad you are out of the city. Good on ya, mate. Live prosp and longer.
i am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
Ah. As it used to be called 'smoke on Trent' because of the smoke from the pottery chimneys.