Diisy - PBS
What's that? An American TV show? Not a show or channel we get here in the UK. I avoid American TV like the plague to be honest with you.
Greta is interviewing scientists about climate change and teaching the views that climate scientists are saying.
I take all this with a pinch of salt. We all should. It depends who's in the payroll of whom.
After being lied to by the WBT$, I don't believe things just because 'scientists' make claims. What about the 'scientists' that disagree?
The Thunbergs are a as I stated....on the grift and will do anything to get attention.
As Pontious when he was a Pilot asked, 'what is truth?'
With respect, it's all just blokes and birds supposing, guessing, gas lighting and making money.
As the Who sang, Won't get fooled again.