The BBC and the Guardian. Both are the worst mainstream media liars. They push a lefty agenda which I totally ignore because it's become worse than boring.
It must have been a really slow news day for these producers of fake narrative.
i saw this this on the news tonight :.
you would think the ladies down their would be able to keep their sexual urges under control wouldn`t you ?
The BBC and the Guardian. Both are the worst mainstream media liars. They push a lefty agenda which I totally ignore because it's become worse than boring.
It must have been a really slow news day for these producers of fake narrative.
click the image to enlarge.. sister carrying microphone at kingdom hall in pants!.
brother in blue jeans out in service.. .
the word 'pants' to we Brits......and a 'Sister(tm)' in them
(matthew 28:18) jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.. (1 corinthians 15:27) for god “subjected all things under his feet.”.
according to the washtowel, jesus is not going to have all of jehovah's power & authority, because he'll [jesus] need 144,000 dead/resurrected humans to help him run the earth: .
w08 5/15 p. 15 par.
No. (If you are a believer...although the name Jehovah(tm) for God is a bit dubious for starters), but the Governing Body(tm) of Jehovah's witnesses(TM) (Pee be upon them), are holding back a fulfilling life from their captive Jobots (If you are a believer or not).
Odious scammers like the WBT$ need to be eradicated but never will be. As long as there are people, there are the easily conned majority.
15 years ago there were 5 congregations now there is only one and it is still struggling.
congregations closing their doors doesn’t mean business is good.
it looks like this last one to fold had no young witnesses, they either left the religion or moved.
Just what do the JWs get in return?
15 years ago there were 5 congregations now there is only one and it is still struggling.
congregations closing their doors doesn’t mean business is good.
it looks like this last one to fold had no young witnesses, they either left the religion or moved.
TonusOH - You have captured this in a nutshell.
My young life as a Jobot child was an absolute hell of tiredness and traipsing about for Jehovah(tm).
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Jesus 'evidently(tm)' meant......
Before that Jesus 'evidently(tm)' meant something else
and before even that Jesus 'evidently(tm)' meant something quite different.
I see overlapping(tm) 'evidentlys' rather than real truth.
Is it possible the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), don't really care what Jesus really meant?
Consider the most stupid person you know. The Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), think you're thicker than that!
(in the what's new section) apparently jehovah is still failing to provide the necessary funds so have to beg and petition men for support even though we said we'd never do that!.
new angle, if you want to make friends with jehovah and jesus we need more of your unrighteous riches .
apparently jehovah is in the protection racket now.
- How many times a month does the Watchtower ask for money?
- How many (what percentage) or articles ask for money?
- How many videos (what percentage) ask for money?
The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind.....the answer is blowin' in the wind.....
15 years ago there were 5 congregations now there is only one and it is still struggling.
congregations closing their doors doesn’t mean business is good.
it looks like this last one to fold had no young witnesses, they either left the religion or moved.
There was a well respected Elder(tm), one of the inner sanctum clique ones. He would always almost have an orgasm when talking about the 'growth(tm)..the GROWTH(tm)..just look at the GROWTH(tm)'.
I think the only growth is that the WBT$ is a septic growth on the arse of humanity.
If anything it's the dwindling.
(in the what's new section) apparently jehovah is still failing to provide the necessary funds so have to beg and petition men for support even though we said we'd never do that!.
new angle, if you want to make friends with jehovah and jesus we need more of your unrighteous riches .
apparently jehovah is in the protection racket now.
Proof positive that God is not helping them if he/she/it can't 'bless(tm)' them with enough.
Conclusion. It's all a big scam!
i want to impart some advice from my life experience that i hope will help others in a similar situation and prevent them from making the same mistakes i did, ruining my life.
to begin with, i’m a 52-year-old single woman, i’ve been a devout jw since i was a little girl.
i had an abusive dad who left my mom, my two sisters and me when we were fairly young.
jw-grill you seem to have a very dim view of life
I speak from experience, I hope. Mayhap, we all experience life differently.
.Maybe you should read it before commenting? Just a thought.
EDIT to add - I go along with much of what was said by Schopenhauer.
I believe that love is an illusion. It is just an evolutionary trick to make the species reproduce.