DOC - OH NO! Does this mean that there really is no Santa Claus?
Write him a letter and see if you get the prezzy you asked for?
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
DOC - OH NO! Does this mean that there really is no Santa Claus?
Write him a letter and see if you get the prezzy you asked for?
recall the famous charge made against jesus in his trial in the gospel mark: .
“we heard him say, ‘i will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days i will build another, not made with hands.’”.
matt has a shorter version which likely reflects what he saw in his copy of mark:.
PPete - I tried 3 times to post this thread and each time it appeared to get stuck in que. I was just repeating that this morning and discovered it had posted a few hours before. Is it a known issue? Is it my computer?
Without prying, could it be the browser you're using? Are you working through something like Citrix?
Mine does the same if I'm going through Citrix.
I've noticed that some browsers are not always that good.
regardless of belief/non-belief in the bible account, why is the ark nearly always depicted by both believers & non-believers as a huge boat, with a rounded hull & stern, and a tapered bow? .
the ark was crate shaped according to the measurements.
I agree with Beth Sarim.
Was this the 'attraction' that had a model dinosaur in it?
If so, that's hilarious.
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
Nephilim...Only desired females
I do too.
smiddy - JW`s and religion in general was all made up to control humans to some degree
That's pretty much my take on it too. At least if there was religion that occurred 'naturally' from how people saw the world, some grifters saw the potential of money and power from it. The grift was on. Infiltrate the people's beliefs and 'game on!'
as 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
Waton - 1975, when jws were selling , watchtower was buying Brooklyn hotel for 2 000 000. peanuts.
That's interesting. Do we think that they concocted the 1975 thing to rake in money for this purchase?
They panicked the Jobots into getting them to give their house sale money to the WBT$? A shakedown.
I can't remember if they were spouting the old 'Jehovah(tm) needs your money.' schtick. I wasn't that on board at the time. Just tagging along with Mum and Dad.
as 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
1975 is a whole different story.
I had a good 1975. The weather was lovely. I bought some great albums. Discovered some great bands. Got my first motor cycle.
I do recall one October, looking at the calendar at work and thinking, 'Nothing is happening.' I wasn't totally convinced by the JW stuff but my family was all in the cult so I was naturally invested in it.
The fact I was wondering about 1975 is evidence enough for me that the Watchtower Babylon Crap society DID make us think 1975 was the end.
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
Tonus - I recall some brothers who claimed that the moaning sounds that people attributed to ghosts was these angels, raging in frustration at their inability to return to a tangible form.
That made me laugh. I've never heard that before but sounds like a 'watchtower intellectual' view.
I knew a few Jobots that had fantastical ideas about stuff like that. Totally bonkers yet if they were an Elder(tm) or above, some of the R&F would agree with them.
IMHO, the further back you go in the Bible tales, the weirder they get. That's the trouble with these weird religious type cult writers.............full of bloomin' nonsense.
I can't take any of these tales seriously anymore, they're all too hilarious in their silliness.
if watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
If they don't have Kingdumb-down Halls(tm), what buildings will they have left to sell to MuckDonalds Burger joints?
if watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Perhaps the danger with 'on-line' is, that's where all the 'apostate(tm)' information is.
I think humans being social animals will still want a sense of physical community.
If the cult goes totally 'on-line' they may face extinction rapidly.
Sounds good. Let them go on-line asap.
as 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
I know of a couple (now shuffled off this mortal coil), that sold their house because of the 1975 lie. I won't name them, you probably wouldn't know who they were anyway.
I remember my dear old Dad saying that 1975 was a marked year but not necessarily 'Armageddon(tm)'.