How did you find Jehovah's Witness meetings?
I went to the Kingdom Hall and there they were.
Seriously though.
Austere. Cold. Fake. Weirdly very depressing. I remember the smell of the damp toilets more than anything they were saying. When I tried to reflect on what I'd 'learned(tm)', it had no substance. I remember trying to use the WT Library(TM) to put a notebook together about the background of Jesus and the Apostles. Even with the Great Teacher book(tm) I found little of interest. It was all do more, do more, you are crap compared to the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them).
When I became an Elder(tm), I needed alcohol to steady my reeling brain. Then I came to the realisation it was all just a big Corporation using a fake religion as a cash cow. That was liberating.
I cannot accept religion now because the Corporation has worked my swede over with a mallet of their utter unChristian hate.
If I'm damned to Hell, then it's their fault and God can apologise to me. If I'm right, there is no God, it's all just an empty psychosis.