I predict our self serving politicians will continue to lie to us, rake in money and leave the country broken.
I predict the UK will become a neo-feudalist hell-scape by 2025.
I predict all the sheeple will continue to do whatever they are told by government and MMM, passively surrendering to their unwitting enslavement. If they are told to clap for the NHS on a Thursday, they will comply, glassy eyed and ignorant.
I predict the politicians will continue to cajole the passive sheeple into willingly doing whatever the Governments and MMM tell them to do, like wear a face nappy or take an experimental jab so that they can then virtue signal to the other tribes.
I predict dim-witted children will be born to trailer trash parents by the thousands (at least), out numbering intelligent people. The world will be exactly like Idiocracy.
I predict Aliens will land and probe us all on a regular basis until we agree to giving them all the Pumpernickel we own.
Spot the odd one out.