1. Do you enjoy having a lot of friends to interact frequently with face to face?
No, not at all. In fact I recently through a period of getting rid of unwanteds that just needed constant attention! I now only socialize with a couple of people that I really like, and like me.
2. Not counting your sleep time, how much time do you typically spend with others each day?
Can be up to 4-8hrs, other ocassions none...depends on whats on that day...
3. What is the ideal amount of time each day you would like to interact with others face to face?
Maybe 2 hrs, but not people I know. More likely go out for a coffee and people watch.
4. How long do you have to be by yourself before you feel lonely?
Providing I can go out....I would never get lonely....I could easily be a hermit.
5. Do you enjoy interacting with people each day or would you rather just hang out with people for a longer period like during the weekend?
No, I don't enjoy it. Weekends would be preferable, but this all excludes a partner.
Ana...who thinks there is a huge difference in being alone and being lonely.