JoinedTopics Started by ladonna
We can't get real.
by KJV inwe can't!
there are issues we all have in our lives and i know that belonging to a cult has fucked us up more than we realize.
but we attack each other, call each other names, hate each other, and yet there is not a one of us who would not come to my resuce if i needed your help!!
sorry if you missed me.
by refiners fire ingeez.
i sure hope you dont think i been hiding all day.
really, i havent.
Please don't discredit Apostate FLUFFERS!
by Smoldering Wick ini'm not sure where we draw the line at fluff?
is it humor, sex, happy posts, personal experiences, life lessons?
who determines which post (or poster) falls into what category?
Elect Your GB Member Here & Now.
by Englishman inthis is just for fun, but imagine if you will the following scenario.. the gb are dropping like flies and the remainder are desperate to find some replacements before the whole shebang is taken over by non-annointed ones.. news comes in of a middle-aged anointed bro who sounds as if he will fit the bill perfectly.
no-one at brooklyn has met him yet, so they send for him to be interviewed with a view to him sitting on the gb if approved.. on the flight to new york the prospective gb newbie suffers a heart attack, and as he expires he drops his wallet under the seat, the wallet also contains a letter with the details of his forthcoming interview.. by an amazing coincidence, the person sat immediately behind the victim is an active poster from jw discussion.
he spots the wallet, and upon reading its contents he decides that he will impersonate the defunct would-be gb member in the hope of eventually becoming part of the gb himself.
Thank you for your patience
by Simon infirst of all, my sincere apologies for the recent disruptive posts.. while i've had to give them my attention i want to say a big "thank you" to all the posters who don't cause trouble, use the forum as intended have had to put up with a few idiots.
i assure you that i will continue to do everything i can to keep things running as smoothly as possible.
Post your pet pictures
by butalbee inokay, this is my cat, she is an african serval, and a lot of cat to handle.. fred: eat your heart out!
I'm all torn up Inside
by Patriot ini've had two nights wihtout being able to sleep.
i've been turning all night.. i'm having images of my old days in the gulf.
from first being dropped in at 1500 feet to the stupid republican guard holding there ground.. i see and feel the blackening sky as the oil wells were lit on fire and the intense heat they produced in an already oven like country.. i feel so bad for my old comrades as they encounter the "new enemy" and feel as if i abandoned them.. i should be there i keep thinking...i should be there..i should..i should....*.