Biggest reason?? Thought it would "wash" away all my sins. Not that I had many being perfect and all.
Other reason, figured it was the right thing to do.
was it for love of the kingdom hall and jehovah?
pressure .. felt like you had to?
for me it was because all my friends my age had gotten baptized.. and it was left up to me to do it too.. to fit in i guess.
Biggest reason?? Thought it would "wash" away all my sins. Not that I had many being perfect and all.
Other reason, figured it was the right thing to do.
i recently picked up the nasty habit of smoking.
i have been hiding it from my wife for about a month now,(she is still a witness) to make a long story short i only smoke when i drink and go to the casino.
in lake charles well she busted me and was actually nice about it and said it would be our secret as long as i did not bring them in the house are ever smoke around the kids.. sounds like she might be comming around maybe, i only hope.. anyway i had to tell someone.
Thanks Hippi...ROFL. Once again Mrs Bug has foot in mouth disease.
i recently picked up the nasty habit of smoking.
i have been hiding it from my wife for about a month now,(she is still a witness) to make a long story short i only smoke when i drink and go to the casino.
in lake charles well she busted me and was actually nice about it and said it would be our secret as long as i did not bring them in the house are ever smoke around the kids.. sounds like she might be comming around maybe, i only hope.. anyway i had to tell someone.
Hey Farkel, where have you been?
Are you joking or do you believe this? My mothers cousin smoked all his life. He went into hospital for throat cancer. Never came home. Did he give up? Nooo, he smoked through the hole in his throat until he died. Maybe an extreme case, but it happens.
and ... always look on the bright side of life.
always look on the bright side of life.
always look on the bright side of life.
Well boys and girls obviously my "sources" were wrong. Sorry and all.
Comf....shhhhhhhhhh. You don't have to tell everyone.
Safe, I'll explain it to you later And glad you all enjoyed it.
i don't know about the rest of you but i was one of the stupid ones lugging bricks around and cleaning them up for the jw's shortly before i left.. how many others here have done the same???.
how many of us have at one time been construction workers for the borg???. set my brain working on this one with your thread .
Sorry.. forgot to answer the question. I worked on an assembly hall. And nope I didn't enjoy it.
international of course:.
dave allen, irish standup (sit down drinking whisky actually).
bill cosby, love that fat albert.
I love watching the "Comedy Festival" some good standups in there.
and ... always look on the bright side of life.
always look on the bright side of life.
always look on the bright side of life.
Prisca I've got to agree. I love British comedy. Although I didn't like the "Goodies"
Remember "Open all hours"? One of my favorites. And "Yes Minister" and "Yes Prime Minister" are a couple more.
Princess I like Blackadder too.
i don't know about the rest of you but i was one of the stupid ones lugging bricks around and cleaning them up for the jw's shortly before i left.. how many others here have done the same???.
how many of us have at one time been construction workers for the borg???. set my brain working on this one with your thread .
Hello Ladonna
ROFLMAO. I have to say you have really tickled my funny bone with this
Next wicked post that comes out of him and he'll get a lobotomy.I'm falling off my chair. Or maybe its the fact I've had too many drugs today.
i just realized i was baptized eight years ago on this date.. does that ever hit you when it rolls around?.
i've been out for the last two years and can't say i thought about it much on the previous anniversaries--or even when i was active.. not that i'm choked up about it or anything.
it's just interesting to think back.
hi comment
I enjoyed that "breakdown" of your years of "service". And I can totally understand that you're not "choked up about it or anything" LOL.
I remember a time when I would have advocated that all drug users face the death penalty, regardless of what drug, how much or the consequences to othersI know I've been guilty of the same thing, not just where drugs are concerned, but other things too.
Leaving the Borg really does make you more tolerant.
You spoke of your baptism and it reminded me of mine. I was a few months off 15. Fred Franz was in Australia and gave my baptism talk. Wow what a privilege. I treasured that day most of my witness life. Not the baptism bit, the Fred Franz bit.
I'm almost falling off my chair laughing now, talk about idolatry!
And Comment sorry about those offending toes. LOL.
this is the third damn time i have tried to post this.
i keep hitting the wrong button and losing it.. anyway, sometimes i hear songs on the radio that bring back some really great memories of my childhood and teenage years.
despite being raised in the borg, i had a pretty good life.
Hey Slayer
I bet you were. LOL
Thanks for the movie recommendation, I've never heard of it. Maybe BugEye can look for it next time he gets a video.