All I know is come this Sept. my wife and I will be starting a new business in the wonderful world of Donuts and Coffee. Wish me luck. Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by TotallyADD
More successful in life working for someone else or yourself?
by sinis inalthough i have always worked for someone else during my life, with pay and benefits i can't complain about, i'm getting to the point where i am tired of this shit.
i have a co-worker whose wife started a business and within three years is grossing over 1.2 million.. i talked to my co-worker who is going to retire this year (possibly) and he said had he of known in his youth what he knows now he would have worked for himself as that is where the true wealth and independence come from.. my sig other has some business ideas and i am helping her out, so hopefully it will pan out.
i do believe though that having your own business is hard work, but the success or failure is basically on your shoulders.. just tired of the work week rat race... .
So according to the Jun 15 WT, Jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the anointed class a.k.a the GB.
by onemore inive noticed for a while now (especially at the assemblies) the frequent use of the term: jehovahs friends whenever they referr to the second class christian, ahem....great crowd, aka the non-anointed christian with earthly hope.
even in some wt studies they often throw in phrases like seeking friendship with jehovah, our friend jehovah, etc.
so, the subtle message is clear, the great crowd are not children of god, they are friends of god.
This article might be a shock to alot of the witnesses. When I was a elder I would tell certain ones that the ransom sacrifice only applies to the anointed and not the great crowd many did not know that. I know its old news but this will be like new light to many. I always thought how silly this teaching was "Anointed free gift only have to live their life out faithful to WT teaching" "Great Crowd no free gift has to work for it and if the big A comes Maybe they will survive, then if they make it for 1000 years they have to work hard to stay alive, then with Satan let loose they go through another big test if they survive that then maybe they will be consider step children of God. Immortal life 1 test of faith, everlasting life if you can keep pasting the 3 test then you might make it to status of step child of God. It's good to be Anointed. Totally ADD
June 15th WT, Trap Your Kids in the Cult
by LostGeneration inthe new wt is up.
the worst article is the first one, a non-study article.
shows pictures of a kid, looks like he is 10 years old.
It is interesting there is a push to up the age for a driving license from 16 to 18 here in the US. Even the so called world see that young people are not ready for this kind of responsibility. But the so called most important decision in your life can be made at such a young age. Their brains are not even fully developed yet. Science has just discovered that our brains are not fully developed until for some in our mid 20's. This subject is one of the reason that help my eye's to open up to this cult. Their statement we don't baptize babies in many ways they do. Sick, Sick, Sick. Totally ADD
"After all, we modern-day JWs are continuing the work from the 1st Century C.E."
by miseryloveselders infor those of you not in the know(lucky sobs you!!
), the congregation bible study wrapped up the come be my follower book last week.
we're now into the bearing thorough witness publication.
jgnat the witnesses are very ignorant of history because most of them think they are getting a college education by just reading the WT & Awake. When all you are given is bits and pieces of selected history all you get is some very closed mind people. This is what cults do. sabastious is right when he said "they ignore those centuries of history" because of the burden of proof that would be reached. Was it Ray who brought out what about all those free bible's that were given that paved the way for JW to preach to these people. It all goes hand in hand. Totally ADD
Humans have only been around for 6000 years? I have a question...
by KristiKay inof corse i know that we've been around much longer, i think it's more like 250,000. what i'm wondering , is it even possible to turn 2 people into almost 7billion, in that short period of time?
and during that time, two white, or probably some shade of brown people gradually became all the differnt races we have today?
that dosen't seem logical, i know jws aren't logical, but did this ever cross anyones mind while they were in this religion?.
Don't forget 2000 years after creations all the humans were killed by the flood and only 8 people survived. So 8 people to 7 billion in 4000 years. Answer to your question No. To busy in the cult to think logical. Totally ADD
May 22, 1969 Awake! promises "you will never grow old" - Creative Writing
by Mad Sweeney inthe year is 1969. faithful followers of the watchtower society are gearing up for the imminent end of the system of things just as they had been for the previous ninety years.
a young witness named andrew is trying to decide what to do with his life.
andrew is a smart kid and he has an entire lifetime ahead of him.
Dear Mouthy, Please don't beat yourself up over this. Like most of us we were in a cult. Mind control is their biggest weapon they used on us. I was a elder for 26 years just step down back in Dec. 2010. I think of all the talks and council I gave through the years, most of it was the WT line. It to makes me sick. If I keep beating myself up all the time I will end up in the looney bin. You are a very open and warm person who has help many to see the real light. I know I am one of them so is my wife. Spring is just around the corner when you see the first flower or budding tree think about all the people you have help. Age is wisdom and that were the real beauty is so that makes you one of the most beautiful people here. I remember this Awake when I was a teenager when I got married in 1974 my wife and I thought we would never grow old. But we have and thats part of the whole journey we are all on. You are no kind of fool all your are is a very wise person who helps others. Totally ADD
PS "I love this Cult it's exciting" NOT LOL
April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "
by flipper inthis is a non-study article in the witness only version of the april 15th titled " do you discern the evidence of god's guidance ?
" essentially in this article the alleged " faithful slave " is telling witnesses that to be approved to survive armageddon- they will have to recognize the " faithful & discreet slave's " authority in their lives.. notice these direct quotes from pg.
4 , " jesus christ is the assigned leader of the congregation.
Only those on the GB have any power the rest of the anointed in many ways are just like the great crowd. Except they get to partake of wine and bread once a year. I do love the statement "He Has Delegated some authority to a faithful slave class, made up of faithful spirit= anointed Christians" How exactly was this done. Big loud voice from the sky, mystery radio or TV broadcast, clouds in the sky in the shape of names and who they are or a big rock fell from space with their names and mission on it. It is so easy to make things up. When it comes to relgion they can say anything and certain people will believe them with no proof at all. These are the same one's that are always questioning science and saying they are wrong. Any was the priveleges all individuals have under them is obey or die. It is a real easy chain of command. With no questions asked. Totally ADD
May 22, 1969 Awake! promises "you will never grow old" - Creative Writing
by Mad Sweeney inthe year is 1969. faithful followers of the watchtower society are gearing up for the imminent end of the system of things just as they had been for the previous ninety years.
a young witness named andrew is trying to decide what to do with his life.
andrew is a smart kid and he has an entire lifetime ahead of him.
Mad Sweeney the WT has been know to change things in their older pub. Believe me if they had all the WT and Awakes on CD Rom they would have changed the articles that were damning to them. That's why "I love this cult its exciting" Not. Totally ADD
what is it that jws have against blue folk ?
by looloo inmy disfellowshipped hubby dosnt come on here but has been amused by some of the funny threads !
he wants to know why smurfs and avatar are big no nos in dub land ?.
The JW love "Avatar" because it reminds them of the day they will be walking around naked in a paradise. The bad guys will be destroyed or kick out. I don't know about the big flying creatures they will be flying but maybe in God's plan he will create some for them and turn them all blue with pointed ears. Totally ADD
April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "
by flipper inthis is a non-study article in the witness only version of the april 15th titled " do you discern the evidence of god's guidance ?
" essentially in this article the alleged " faithful slave " is telling witnesses that to be approved to survive armageddon- they will have to recognize the " faithful & discreet slave's " authority in their lives.. notice these direct quotes from pg.
4 , " jesus christ is the assigned leader of the congregation.
Hello Flipper, Back in the early 80's after Ray was kick out my wife and I notice the how the GB tighten their grip on everybody. At that point I said to my wife if they replace Jesus with themselves and bring out they are the only way to salvation. That would be a BIG READ FLAG to me. Will that happen and both of us are running as fast as we can to get out of this cult. What is amazing is how the friends just suck that up. My only brother a elder who is older that me sounds like a GB robot. I know he is smart but has invested his whole life in this cult. All he tells me is the Big A is just around the corner. All articles like this do is with fear put everbody back in their place. Sad very sad all I can say is "I love this cult its exciting" Not. Hope your daughters will wake up soon. I know it's a hard nut to crack. Thanks for the eye opening thread. Totally ADD