April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "

by flipper 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    This is a non-study article in the Witness only version of the April 15th titled " Do you Discern the Evidence of God's Guidance ? " Essentially in this article the alleged " faithful slave " is telling Witnesses that to be approved to survive Armageddon- they will have to recognize the " faithful & discreet slave's " authority in their lives.

    Notice these direct quotes from pg. 4 , " Jesus Christ is the assigned Leader of the congregation. He HAS DELEGATED some authority to a faithful slave class, made up of faithful spirit - anointed Christians. That slave class, in turn, appoints overseers in the Christian Congregation. " So- Let me get this straight. The leaders of the WT society THINK they've been selected by Jesus to be the authority? Says who ? Says them ? Did Jesus talk to them ? Are we allowed to see documentation of that ? Proof ? No- We are just expected to take their word for it that they ARE the alleged "faithful slave. " AND that they have the alleged " holy spirit ".

    Now notice the advice they give rank & file Witnesses to show they recognize God's authority in this " faithful slave ". Further on pg. 4 it states, " How, then, do WE react when we receive DIVINE DIRECTION ? Do we try to apply it " right afterward " ? Or do we continue doing things just as we have been accustomed to doing them ? We also show our appreciation for God's guidance by accepting counsel. When faced with far-reaching decisions, we do NOT trust in our own wisdom but look to Jehovah and his organization for guidance. " Translation : You JW's can't trust your own wisdom- you NEED to do what the WT society and " faithful slave " tells you to do - EVEN your important FAR REACHING decisions ! Because WE represent God.

    The control and fear tactics get worse in this article . Notice THIS quote : " Do you CLEARLY DISCERN the EVIDENCE of divine guidance ? Jehovah uses his organization to guide us , his people , through " the wilderness " during these last days of Satan's wicked world. " Translation : To stay safe and NOT be overeached by Satan in this DANGEROUS system of things you need to discern that WE the " faithful slave " are the only ones who can guide you properly ! You will NOT survive it without us , and, oh yeah Jehovah too ! Such fear mongering keeps JW's scared of even leaving the organization. Ridiculous.

    Then in a use of fear once more the WT society claims that ALL Jehovah's Witnesses LIVES depend on obeying the WT society and " faithful slave " - or they will die and not be in Paradise. In the final paragraph it states, " God's people today will without fail reach the promised new world. However, WHETHER WE PERSONALLY WILL BE THERE depends on no small degree on our humble willingness to FOLLOW God's direction. " Translation : If you don't follow humbly our direction and recognize that WE are God's spokesman - you may not personally BE in the paradise. Sigh.

    Can anybody say : DICTATORSHIP ? Jeez. I feel the line separating God & the leaders of the WT society - no longer exists. The alleged " faithful slave " IS God Jehovah to the 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses. And THAT is one of the main coercive tactics they use to control the minds of these JW members. Disobeying the " faithful slave " is disobeying God ! I truly feel scared for any of us who have family members still inside the JW cult. Because with this kind of powerful control over our family members- if they view the " faithful slave " as God- if the " faithful slave " says jump- they'll jump ! It's WAY too much control over 7 million human beings. Especially in duping them to believe they've been appointed by Jesus himself !

    So, as always - I look forward to your takes, observations, and comments on this article ! Thanks again, and have a great evening and coming days !Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • tec

    Its very Catholic of them. Perhaps not so much anymore though. But very much the thing that they themselves denounce the Catholic clergy of being and doing.

    The faithful slave is supposed to serve others... not lord their authority over others.


  • poopsiecakes

    what a heebie jeebie inducing article....particularly this:

    God's people today will without fail reach the promised new world. However, WHETHER WE PERSONALLY WILL BE THERE depends on no small degree on our humble willingness to FOLLOW God's direction.


  • flipper

    TEC- Unfortunately the leaders of the WT society have been " lording " their power and control over Jehovah's Witnesses for 132 years now. As you well know also- they definitely bear no resemblance to Jesus or God. Their main intention is to CONTROL members, not serve them.

    POOPSIECAKES- Exactly. Very true. That part you quoted gave me the heebie jeebies as well ! Made me really feel scared for all my JW relatives still in ; knowing that the WT society THINKS it has the authority to say WHO lives or dies by insisting that JW's obey them ! Pretty damned creepy. I've just GOT to get one or both of my daughters out of this cult ! I'm not gonna give up

  • BizzyBee
    I feel the line separating God & the leaders of the WT society - no longer exists.

    Yeah, Flipper, they've gradually taken on the role of gods - so gradually that the R & F, marching in lock-step, have scarcely noticed.

  • poopsiecakes

    Don't give up, Flipperkins!

  • Listener

    ....He HAS DELEGATED some authority to a faithful slave class, ....

    Other than the normal questions this raises it is a strange comment to say that they have only some authority. They behave as if they have all earthly authority but here they seem to acknowledge that they have a limited authority. They do not explain what authority in particular they are given and how it is supported by scripture.

  • flipper

    BIZZY BEE- And THAT is the subtle & scary part of how mind control works ! The rank & file Witnesses don't even REALIZE that the WT society has become more hardlined with the " faithful slave is God " syndrome as they hear it thousands of times repeated at meetings. The typical JW's brain is so mind controlled- it's totally fried. The synapses involving critical thinking ability are gone. To me- the WT society is just a more subtle dangerous cult, as dangerous as Jim Jones, David Koresh, etc. Perhaps MORE so because they fake non-witness people out who think they are these shiny, happy Bible thumpers pushing a Paradise to them at their doors. If people in their homes REALLY knew what's really behind it- they'd run away screaming and deadbolt their doors behind them ! It's really something else

  • flipper

    POOPSIECAKES- Thanks sis. I won't give up on my daughters as long as I have breath in my body ! Appreciate your kindness .

    LISTENER- I did notice that statement they used that they have " some authority ". But, yes- you are right, they act like they have ALL authority over rank & file Witnesses. Perhaps they use the expression " some authoity " to show a " mock " or pretend humility to the typical JW so that they can convince them that the GB is humble before Jesus & Jehovah. I think it's a wording decoy to con the Witnesses



    ....................... ...OUTLAW

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