oh oh Watchtower!
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Watchtower’s Certiorari Plea
by Jerome56 inhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/19-40.html.
The Great Tribulation must be at least 3 years away
by BourneIdentity insince they’ve announced the dates for the next 3 memorials, no talk about this “may be our last one!”.
since they’ve announced the patterson construction project will take 3 years to complete.
let’s also not forget when they designed warwick, they spent money on expensive energy saving technology to save millions in the long run, years and decades in the future.
Politics Is Literally Getting People Sick!
by minimus inreports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters.
some require professional help!.
He'll be voted out though for his ineptness, shenanigans and general weaken popularity.
Now that's a sickening thought!
Have you examined the other candidates?
Dog help us!
See you in a couple weeks
by Biahi inleaving today for rome, and then a mediterranean cruise.
will not be online, i will miss you all.
hopefully, when i get back, the wt will have declared bankruptcy.
That’s a good point. Who would want to be on a cruise with JWs??
Who would want to live in a world that's all JWs? How could that be "paradise"?
wt and money
by zeb inwell she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
I think JW's as employees are just about like any other group.
Some are dependable and dedicated to doing a good job. Some are lazy and worthless and really just want a paycheck, NOT a job.
I actually think the worst "group" might be any of the Bible-thumping Christians. They'll steal from you at least as quickly as the heathen they work alongside.
Politics Is Literally Getting People Sick!
by minimus inreports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters.
some require professional help!.
Get 'em some puppies and hot cocoa.
Evidently that helped the Ivy League babies who suffered through Hillary's loss.
Around the nation, students are turning to the tools of toddlers as a bizarre form of therapy in the wake of Donald Trump's election last week. Colleges and universities are encouraging students to cry, cuddle with puppies and sip hot chocolate to soothe their fragile psyches, an approach some critics say would be funny if it weren't so alarming.
“This is an extreme reaction from millennials who are being forced to come to terms with the fact that we have a president that they don’t like –this is what losing feels like,” Kristin Tate, the 24-year-old author of "Government Gone Wild," told FoxNews.com. “We are grooming our students to be sensitive crybabies when we need to be showing students how to deal with world situations and how to be adults –there are no ‘safe spaces’ in the real world.”
wt and money
by zeb inwell she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
I found even as a PIMI that most jws I asked for specific things they heard or learned from the convention/meeting/talk, they would get that deer-in-the-headlights look and just say some general statement that could fit any WT event. Or worse yet, "it was all wonderful." They had no idea, nothing that stuck out in their minds.
Most JW's are there for the social network. Most are JW's simply because Mom & Dad are/were JW's and it's "that Old Time Religion" for them. Most JW's know NOTHING about what they believe.
Absolutely worth seeing - Kevin from Dubtown tells about himself
by fastJehu inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhd-xbj9yoq.
@ kevini love your dubtown videos.
but this video - where you tell something about yourself - is the most valuable of all previous videos.
JWdom is losing people like him because they're too honest and smart for it. The ones that remain are the ones that deserve to be in it.
Hey, Magnum! I clicked LIKE on that because I related to this quote. So true! There is such a "brain drain" among JW's.
Then I reflected on the fact that I remained in JWdom for 50 years -- including probably 5-10 years after I started my awakening. So maybe it does not apply to me -- at least the "smart" part of it.
Let's review: It's a Cult!
Merger aftermath
by Rattigan350 ina couple of months ago, i reported on my congregation being disolved and merged with another.. on sept 1, cong b merged with cong a using the same hall, thereafter using cong a's meeting times.
also nearby cong c moved into the hall using cong b's meeting times and cong c's kh is being put up for sale.. i've since been to both sunday meetings and both midweek meetings.
at all, the parking lot is totally full, cars have to park around the corner and on the street.
And our JW family see this as just the reasonable thing to do -- making the best use of "auditoriums". Selling off the properties (KHalls) that are "little used" and sit empty 5 days/week and shifting the pubs to Halls that can be used 4 or 5 nights/week by 3 or 4 Congs. Merging Congs so that auditoriums are full vs. half-empty. (They never even stop to reason about WHY those meetings are "half-empty" now though they were not just several years ago.)
New Boy The Book is Free For The Next 30 Days
by The Bethelite infor those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Well hell!! I paid for it. Great reading. Finished it in 2 days I doubt a “never a JW” would enjoy it as much but great stuff for anyone in The Troof for years.
(Keith— lots of typos. Get a good editor before printing 2nd edition or your next book.)