Democrats (esp Shifty Schiff) are in total control as the majority Party. 100's of hours wasted to try and make Trump look bad (because they know there really will not be sufficient evidence to qualify for ouster). It's all to generate clips for the media to use. In the end, they have the votes and they will impeach Trump (because there is no definition to "high crimes") though doubtful if ANY of the GOP will join in. (This is very unlike the Clinton impeachment which was non-partisan.)
Then it will go to the Republican controlled Senate. They will put on a mock "trial" that they will intentionally drag out because the Democratic senators are not allowed to campaign while the trial is in progress, and they will conduct the proceedings to make the Democrats look bad and in the end they will not convict Trump.
1000's of hours and million$ of dollars wasted. Politics at its finest.
I hope the conspirators in the previous administration are fully investigated and prosecuted for their crimes. ~Simon
That shit is about to hit the fan. Lots of heads going to roll.